Arquivo MPP - Autobiography and papers of Millicent Price

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Autobiography and papers of Millicent Price


  • 1935 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

3 folders

Zona do contexto

Nome do produtor


História biográfica

Millicent Price's grandfather was Henry Wilberforce, a gentleman farmer in the locality, thought to be related to the famous William Wilberforce. Her mother was Ellen Phyllis Browne, married to Walter Browne, a struggling actor/playwright. They lived in London, where Millicent was born (probably in the early 1880s). Her mother left her father (they were later divorced) when Millicent was 3 years old and returned to her native city of York.

Millicent lived with her mother and 2 sisters, Edith and Ella at 34, Lawrence Street, a 3 storey house opposite the Poor Clares Convent until 1895 when they moved to "River View" overlooking the Ouse next to St. Mary's Abbey.

Millicent attended Castlegate College, Clare College, Micklegate and Priory Street Higher Grade School before going to Swansea Training College (Wales) to train to be a teacher. Following this she lived in Leeds for a time teaching at Beeston School and then at Park Lane School before returning to York in 1904 where she taught at the "newly built" Scarcroft School.

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Annotated copy of 'This World's Festival: An Autobiographical Effort ' by Millicent Price detailing her life from 1881 up until 1918.


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Images are supplied for private research only at the Archivist's discretion. Please note that material may be unsuitable for copying on conservation grounds. Researchers who wish to publish material must seek copyright permission from the copyright owner.

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  • inglês

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