Raine; James (1791-1858); Rev.; antiquarian and clergyman

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Raine; James (1791-1858); Rev.; antiquarian and clergyman

Forma(s) paralela(s) de nombre

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    • Raine; James (1791-1858); Rev.; antiquarian and clergyman

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      Fechas de existencia



      James Raine was born in 1791 in Ovington, Yorkshire, the son of James Raine, a blacksmith, and Anne Moore.
      He married Mary Peacock, with whom he had three daughters and a son, James Raine (2). He died in 1858.
      The second James Raine married Ann Jane Keyworth in 1867. They had ten children, including Angelo Raine, b. c1877.
      The first James Raine(1791-1958) was grandfather to Angelo Raine, Antiquary and Clergyman (1877-1962)
      See Also - Raine; Angelo (1877-1962); Rev.; Antiquarian and clergyman


      Estatuto jurídico

      Funciones, ocupaciones y actividades

      The first James Raine was ordained as a deacon in 1814 and as a priest in 1818 and was appointed Chapter Librarian by Dean and Chapter of Durham in 1816.
      He was a keen topographer and antiquarian. Prior to 1828, he assisted several of his friends in publishing their topographical works.
      He published several antiquarian and historical volumes in his life, his first independent work being published in 1828. In 1830, the first part of his 'History of North Durham' was published, and the second part of this work emerged in 1852. Despite some doubts about his charter scholarship, this work was important in its day and still holds value today.
      He set up the Surtees Society in memory of his friend Robert Surtees, in 1834. The aim of the society was to 'publish uneditied historical material relating to the area between the Humber and the Forth'. He edited some of the Surtees Society's publications, as did his son James.

      James Raine (2) was Chancellor of York Minster and played a key role in the reforming of its Library. He was also Rector of All Saints, Pavement Church, and the Curator of the Antiquaries Collection at the Yorkshire Museum. He was an archaeologist and observed the excavations of the site for the Railway Station at York. He published numerous papers on the discoveries made there.

      Mandatos/fuentes de autoridad

      Estructura/genealogía interna

      Contexto general

      James Raine was born in 1791 in Ovington, Yorkshire, the son of James Raine, a blacksmith, and Anne Moore.\nHe married Mary Peacock, with whom he had three daughters and a son, James Raine (2). He died in 1858.\nThe second James Raine married Ann Jane Keyworth in 1867. They had ten children, including Angelo Raine, b. c1877.

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      Identificador de registro de autoridad


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      Reglas y/o convenciones usadas

      International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families - ISAAR(CPF) - Ottawa

      Estado de elaboración

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          Legacy Word Document accompanying Accs 0028 and 0029
          Oxford DNB.

          Notas de mantención