River Manager, Naburn Lock

Área de identidad

Tipo de entidad

Entidad colectiva

Forma autorizada del nombre

River Manager, Naburn Lock

Forma(s) paralela(s) de nombre

    Forma(s) normalizada del nombre, de acuerdo a otras reglas

    • River Manager, Naburn Lock; ?-?

    Otra(s) forma(s) de nombre

      Identificadores para instituciones

      Área de descripción

      Fechas de existencia



      Appointed by York Corporation as Ouse Navigation Trustees.


      Estatuto jurídico

      Funciones, ocupaciones y actividades

      The documents are records kept by the river manager, appointed by York Corporation as Ouse Navigation trustees, together with plans and diagrams, and some photographs which were originally framed and hung in Naburn Lock Banqueting Hall.

      The river manager, who was also an engineer, was responsible for the maintenance of the river bed, banks, locks and wharfs, and supervised river traffic and the collection of dues at Naburn Lock. The Navigation's dredgers and two or three tugs for towing barges were under his control. Records of water levels and soundings were kept. paper of the canal boat inspector and records of the registration of canal boats working on the Navigation were found with the records.

      Mandatos/fuentes de autoridad

      Estructura/genealogía interna

      Contexto general

      Appointed by York Corporation as Ouse Navigation Trustees.

      Área de relaciones

      Área de puntos de acceso

      Puntos de acceso por materia

      Puntos de acceso por lugar


      Área de control

      Identificador de registro de autoridad


      Identificador de la institución


      Reglas y/o convenciones usadas

      International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families - ISAAR(CPF) - Ottawa

      Estado de elaboración

      Nivel de detalle

      Fechas de creación, revisión o eliminación




          Notas de mantención