Documento RVS/3 - Order of service

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Código de referência



Order of service


  • 1988 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

2 items

Zona do contexto

Nome do produtor


História administrativa

The Royal Voluntary Service was originally founded in 1938 as the Women's Women's Voluntary Services for Air Raid Precautions, and is the largest volunteering organisation in British history.

WVS was initially formed to help recruit women into the ARP movement assisting civilians during and after air raids by providing emergency rest centres, feeding, first aid, and perhaps most famously assisting with the evacuation and billeting of children.

By 1943 the organisation had over one million volunteers and was involved in almost every aspect of wartime life from the collection of salvage to the knitting of socks and gloves for merchant seamen. After the war Royal Voluntary Service transformed to become a leading organisation in the field of social care, pioneering the practices that formed the cornerstone of modern social services.

In 1966 in recognition of the service WVS and its volunteers had given to this country the organisation was granted the honour of adding 'Royal' to its title by Her Majesty the Queen.

In 2013 the organisation changed its name to the Royal Voluntary Service. The RVS is now a major service provider giving practical help, particularly for older people, to enable choice, independence and dignity so people can enjoy an improved quality of life - all with the help of around 35,000 volunteers.

The exact date of foundation for the York branches in unknown.

Entidade detentora

Zona do conteúdo e estrutura

Âmbito e conteúdo

The order of service was for a service of thanksgiving and rededication held as part of the Service's Golden Jubilee celebrations. Two copies. Also includes one invitation card in the name of Mrs W Dryland.


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  • inglês

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