Strickland; William (1753-1834); 6th Baronet of Boynton; naturalist

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Strickland; William (1753-1834); 6th Baronet of Boynton; naturalist

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    • Strickland; William (1753-1834); 6th Baronet of Boynton; naturalist

    Otra(s) forma(s) de nombre

      Identificadores para instituciones

      Área de descripción

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      William Strickland was born in Boynton, Yorkshire, in 1753, the son of George Strickland and Elizabeth Letitia Winn. He married Henrietta Chlomley in 1778. They had thirteen children: Henrietta (b. 1779), Walter (b.1780, d. 1798), Caroline (b. 1781), George (b.1782), Arthur (b.1784), Edmund (b. 1785), Eustachius (b.1787), Emma (b.1789), Anne (b. 1790), John (b.1794), Priscilla (b. 1796), Isabella (b. 1799) and Nathanial Constantine (b.1802).
      He died in 1834.


      Estatuto jurídico

      Funciones, ocupaciones y actividades

      Strickland became the 6th Baronet of Boynton in 1808. When he died in 1834, the title was passed to his son, George as his eldest son, Walter, had died in 1798.
      William Strickland was a keen naturalist. He travelled through the United States from 1794 - 1795, investigating the country's ornithology and botany - he is believed to be responsible for creating the botanical garden at Boynton Hall, and was also a skilled artist and drew many ornithological pictures.
      He was also interested in agricultural improvement, and contributed to several agricultural journals.
      His son Eustachius was also interested in botany and agricultural, and also in historical and antiquarian matters, these papers contain some of his notes and other writings on these topics.

      Mandatos/fuentes de autoridad

      Estructura/genealogía interna

      Contexto general

      William Strickland was born in Boynton, Yorkshire, in 1753, the son of George Strickland and Elizabeth Letitia Winn. He married Henrietta Chlomley in 1778. They had thirteen children: Henrietta (b. 1779), Walter (b.1780, d. 1798), Caroline (b. 1781), George (b.1782), Arthur (b.1784), Edmund (b. 1785), Eustachius (b.1787), Emma (b.1789), Anne (b. 1790), John (b.1794), Priscilla (b. 1796), Isabella (b. 1799) and Nathanial Constantine (b.1802).\nHe died in 1834.

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      Identificador de registro de autoridad


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      Reglas y/o convenciones usadas

      International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families - ISAAR(CPF) - Ottawa

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