Urban Sanitary Committee

Zone d'identification

Type of entity


Forme autorisée du nom

Urban Sanitary Committee

forme(s) parallèle(s) du nom

    Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules

    • Urban Sanitary Committee; 1872-1901

    Autre(s) forme(s) du nom

    • Sanitary Committee

    Identifiers for corporate bodies

    Description area

    Dates d’existence



    The Local Board of Health was merged with the corporation in 1872 and this committee was its replacement. The boundaries between the urban and rural district became problematic as housing was extended, and in wasn't until 1884 that the city was legally expanded to take in this area. A Medical Officer of Health and Chief Sanitary Inspector were appointed in 1873. During this period a sewerage scheme was authorised and carried out.
    Gained functions from Local Board of Health when it merged with the corporation in 1872. Instructed Medical Officer of Health, Chief Sanitary Inspector and Inspector of Nuisances.


    Statut légal

    Public Health Act 1872

    Functions, occupations and activities

    As the urban sanitary authority, public health functions were extended to include not just lighting, paving, nuisances and sanitation but also slum clearance. Preventing infectious diseases was the key aim, and York had an above average death rate until the 1880s-1890s. Infant mortality remained high.

    Mandates/sources of authority

    Internal structures/genealogy

    Contexte général

    The Local Board of Health was merged with the corporation in 1872 and this committee was its replacement. The boundaries between the urban and rural district became problematic as housing was extended, and in wasn't until 1884 that the city was legally expanded to take in this area. A Medical Officer of Health and Chief Sanitary Inspector were appointed in 1873. During this period a sewerage scheme was authorised and carried out.

    Relationships area

    Related entity

    Local Board of Health Committee (1850-1872)

    Identifier of related entity


    Category of relationship


    Type of relationship

    Local Board of Health Committee est le prédécesseur de Urban Sanitary Committee

    Dates of relationship

    Description of relationship

    Access points area

    Mots-clés - Sujets

    Mots-clés - Lieux


    Zone du contrôle

    Identifiant de notice d'autorité


    Identifiant du service d'archives


    Rules and/or conventions used

    International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families - ISAAR(CPF) - Ottawa


    Niveau de détail

    Dates de production, de révision et de suppression




        VCH York, JBM How York Governs Itself, BC 17/1

        Notes de maintenance