Série Y/COU/1/2 - Minutes of full council (post-1835)

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Minutes of full council (post-1835)


  • 1835-2012 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

103 volumes and 3 folders; 1.219 cubic metres

Zona do contexto

Nome do produtor


História administrativa

The ancient corporation was dramatically altered by the Municipal Corporation Act. It lost many legal rights and privileges, the electorate was widened, various officials were changed or renamed and a single chamber was instituted.
Previously known as "the Mayor and Commonality of the City of York", it developed into the historical Corporation (see City of York Corporation (Unreformed). The corporation was reformed in 1835, became a district council with North Yorkshire County Council in 1974 and a unitary authority once more as the City of York Council in 1996. Municipal charities passed to York Charity Trustees in 1837.

Nome do produtor


História administrativa

In 1974 York lost its status as a county borough and became a district council within North Yorkshire County Council.
Previously known as "the Mayor and Commonality of the City of York", it deveoped into the historical Corporation (see City of York Corporation (Unreformed). The corporation was reformed in 1835, became a district council with North Yorkshire County Council in 1974 and a unitary authority once more as the City of York Council in 1996.

Nome do produtor


História administrativa

In 1996 York became a unitary authority once more as the City of York Council.
Previously known as "the Mayor and Commonality of the City of York", it developed into the historical Corporation (see City of York Corporation (Unreformed). The corporation was reformed in 1835, became a district council with North Yorkshire County Council in 1974 and a unitary authority once more as the City of York Council in 1996.

Entidade detentora

Zona do conteúdo e estrutura

Âmbito e conteúdo

Series of council minutes from the reformation of the Corporation of the City of York, which took place in 1835, onwards. Includes minutes for meetings of:
The City of York Corporation (Reformed), 1836-1974
York District Council (acting as a shadow council), 1973-1974
York City Council, 1974-1996
York District Council (acting as a shadow council), 1995-1996
City of York Council, 1996 onwards

The minutes represent the changes which the city underwent as a result of the Municipal Corporations Act 1835, including the loss of certain legal privileges and rights, the widening of the electorate, and the changing of the council structure. Business was increasingly put into the hands of committees with a specific functional focus, and the minutes increasingly take the form of copies of reports from these committees, which are reviewed by councillors. After Local Government Reform in 1974, the bound volumes of council minutes also include minutes of these committees, as well as copies of committee reports and papers.

This series represents the surviving signed minutes, although some minutes are missing their signatures. These are the complete and full minutes, and as such include confidential items not included in the public minutes which were made available from the 1880s.

Matters discussed in the minutes include (but are not limited to):
Council administration, including salaries and staff management
Management of the public realm, including parks, strays, allotments, street maintenance and development
Property management and development, including civic buildings, civic structures such as bridges, and the bar walls and bars
Planning services, including some details of planning applications
Museums, galleries, and libraries
Tourism in the city
Environmental issues, including river management, drainage, and sanitary management
Trade and marks regulation
Health and the provision of health services
Public order and justice, including items relating to the Watch Committee and the city police, the gaols, fire services, and wartime emergency services
Social assistance, including provision and management of housing and tenants, child welfare provision, and social services
Management of utilities within the city


Regular accruals expected.

Sistema de arranjo

Minute volumes have been arranged chronologically, and according to original listings of the minutes. Three distinct sequences of bound minute volumes can be descerned within this series:
Minutes of the Corporation of the City of York, 1836-1974, numbered Volumes 1 - 57 (references Y/COU/1/2/1 - Y/COU/1/2/57)
Minutes of York City Council, 1977-1996, numbered Volumes 1 - 19 (references Y/COU/1/2/58 and Y/COU/1/2/59 - Y/COU/1/2/76)
Minutes of City of York Council, 1996 onwards (references Y/COU/1/2/77 onwards)

Three additional volumes of minutes are also incorporated into this series and have been arranged chronologically alongside the other volumes:
Two volumes of signed minutes of council meetings (York City Council) and shadow council meetings (York District Council), 1973-1981 (references Y/COU/1/2/57a and Y/COU/1/2/59a). These volumes do not include committee minutes or papers.
One volume of minutes of the York District Council (acting as a shadow council), 1995-1996 (reference Y/COU/1/2/76A)

Zona de condições de acesso e utilização

Condições de acesso

Partially restricted access (Data Protection Act). See individual catalogue entries for details of restrictions.

Material is available subject to the usual terms and conditions of access to Archives and Local History collections.

Condiçoes de reprodução

Copies are supplied for private research only at the Archivist's discretion. Please note that material may be unsuitable for copying on conservation grounds. Researchers who wish to publish material must seek copyright permission from the copyright owner.

Idioma do material

  • inglês

Script do material

    Notas ao idioma e script

    Instrumentos de descrição

    Zona de documentação associada

    Existência e localização de originais

    Existência e localização de cópias

    Unidades de descrição relacionadas

    See Y/COU/1/1 for minutes of full council meetings 1476 - 1835 (before municipal reform).
    See Y/COU/5 for council committee and sub-committee minute books.

    Descrições relacionadas

    Nota de publicação

    Copies of council and committee minutes and papers were published by the council from 1886. Copies of these published minutes for the years 1886-2004 can be found in the Archives Reading Room. Minutes and papers from 2006 can be found on the City of York Council website, through this url: https://www.york.gov.uk/MeetingsMinutesAgendas.

    Please note that these published minutes are not signed, and do not contain confidential or personal items discussed at meetings. Please see full council minutes available in this series for a full record of meetings.

    Zona das notas

    Identificador(es) alternativo(s)

    Legacy reference

    Giles B, second series

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