Pièce Y/EDU/5/1/4 - Pen and ink sketch of the interior of the Subscription Library

Zone d'identification




Pen and ink sketch of the interior of the Subscription Library


  • c.1880 (Création/Production)

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Étendue matérielle et support

1 item

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Histoire administrative

The York subscription library was originally founded in 1794 as a type of book club. It consisted of a group of friends and acquaintances who met monthly to buy and exchange books. Once the books were no longer circulating amongst the membership, they were sold by annual auction. The initial promoters of the library were Reverend Charles Wellbeloved, a Unitarian minister, Sir William Strickland, Mr S W Nichol and Mr Anthony Thorpe. The Club was initially based at the house of Reverend Wellbeloved, who was also a founder of the York Philosophical Society and the York Mechanics' Institute, and books were distributed from there. The initial club was not particularly well received, and by 1796 it only had 12 members.

On 6 April 1796 the Subscription Library Society was reconstituted, and from this point meetings were held in the premises of the bookseller Edward Peck on Low Ousegate. The membership then began to increase. The following year the assets of the group were moved to the first floor of the premises of the private circulating library run by booksellers J Todd, H Sotheran, W Tesseyman and Mr Wolstenholme. Despite fears over opposition from the booksellers, the collection grew and was moved to the home of Mr Wolstenholme on the Petergate side of the Minster. In this location the collection flourished, and by February 1811 it was agreed that the library needed a premises of its own, as the existing site was so overcrowded it was becoming 'dangerous to the library and its members.'

Shortly after the decision was taking to purchase a site, the library members purchased an old building from the York Corporation, on the corner of Lendal and St Helen's Square, with money obtained through the selling of shares in the library to members. At this time the membership numbered around 200 people. The foundation stone for the new red-bricked building was laid on 4 November 1811, with the building being completed by the end of the following year. The new premises comprised space for the library collection on the upper floor, with a reading room for members on the ground floor. By 1825 the library membership had increased to 487, and new larger premises were again required.

In 1835 the library moved into the corner property on the crescent of St Leonard's Place, following negotiations with City of York Council. The move was part funded by the sale of the St Helen's Square building to Yorkshire Insurance Company.

In its new location the library flourished, and it contained many valuable works of reference. The annual subscription was £1 6s - 6d a week - a remained at this level for over a century. An entrance charge of five guineas was also charged, later raised to ten guineas for proprietary members. These members were regarded to be owners of the collection and held transferable tickets. The management of the library remained in the hands of those members who attended the monthly meetings, although in later years a small committee was formed to represent the rights of members. By 1844 the library had 20,000 volumes in its collection.

Membership of the library started to decline in the later 1840s, and by 1877 there were only 284 members. The failure of the movement to provide a free public library, however, boosted membership again and by 1893 numbers had increased to 366. The arrival of the Public Library in 1893, however, provided a setback for the Subscription Library, and by the time it celebrated its centenary the following year, it launched an appeal for additional funds. Frequent calls for additional members and increases to the annual subscription continued into the early twentieth century. The popularity of the subscription library continued to decline and in 1917 the Society was in such dire financial straits that it sold its assets to the City of York Council, who acquired them for £500 (the outstanding debts of the organisation). The library stock of almost 40,000 volumes contained many valuable works of reference and as a result the City Library collections were further enriched by the acquisition.
Folded in 1917 due to outstanding debts due to the City Council. Its assets were acquired by the council in lieu of the debt and went to form part of the Public Library collections, although there was no continuity of operations between the two organisations.
See Also - York Public Library
See Also - York Public Library

Zone du contenu et de la structure

Portée et contenu

The sketch is by Major Lindberg.


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