Unidad documental compuesta YFF/4 - Documents and correspondence relating to Miss J. Sadler

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Documents and correspondence relating to Miss J. Sadler


  • 1931-1969 (Creación)

Nivel de descripción

Unidad documental compuesta

Volumen y soporte

5 Items

Área de contexto

Nombre del productor


Historia administrativa

The Society was founded in 1788 by a group of York women led by philanthropists Faith Gray and Catherine Cappe. The original purpose was to provide a safety net for girls offering sick benefits, pensions and grants for medical care for those leaving York's Grey Coat and Spinning Schools, which they also ran. It continued to accept members up until the introduction of the NHS in 1948. Membership could be extended to other working women through a rule allowing limited nomination by honorary members. In 1976, the Society was dissolved and the funds divided among the remaining members. The remaining members of the Society continued to meet annually until 1984. Moyra F Johnson served as secretary of the Society from the early 1970s. The Society's office was situated in St William's College, York.

Institución archivística

Área de contenido y estructura

Alcance y contenido

Includes: letters from the society re: instructions to members and payment of remaining subcriptions as lump sum, Rules of the York Female Friendly Society, Subscription payment card and receipt for twelve shillings and sixpence.


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Idioma del material

  • inglés

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