York and District Adult Schools and Social Clubs Limited

Zona de identificação

Tipo de entidade

Pessoa coletiva

Forma autorizada do nome

York and District Adult Schools and Social Clubs Limited

Forma(s) paralela(s) de nome

  • York and District Adult School

Formas normalizadas do nome de acordo com outras regras

  • York and District Adult Schools and Social Clubs Limited; 1903-1960s

Outra(s) forma(s) de nome

  • York and District Adult School Union

identificadores para entidades coletivas

Área de descrição

Datas de existência



The first adult schools were set up by Quakers, with members of the Rowntree family being part of the committee until the late 1960s. Early schools date back to the late 19th century with the York and District Adult School Union first being formed in 1903. They began by establishing schools in some of the newer housing areas of the city and so the number of adult schools rose from 4 to 13 and the number of pupils from 729 to 2648.
Society of Friends; Lord Mayor of York J.W. Rowntree; York Educational Settlement


Estado Legal

Funções, ocupações e atividades

A company which funded and managed a number of adult schools throughout York.

Mandatos/fontes de autoridade

Estruturas internas/genealogia

Contexto geral

The first adult schools were set up by Quakers, with members of the Rowntree family being part of the committee until the late 1960s. Early schools date back to the late 19th century with the York and District Adult School Union first being formed in 1903. They began by establishing schools in some of the newer housing areas of the city and so the number of adult schools rose from 4 to 13 and the number of pupils from 729 to 2648.

Área de relacionamentos

Área de pontos de acesso

Pontos de acesso - Assuntos

Pontos de acesso - Locais


Zona do controlo

Identificador de autoridade arquivística de documentos


Identificador da instituição


Regras ou convenções utilizadas

International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families - ISAAR(CPF) - Ottawa


Nível de detalhe

Datas de criação, revisão ou eliminação

Línguas e escritas



      J F C Harrison (2013), Learning and Living 1790-1960: A Study in the History of the English Adult Adult Education Movement

      Notas de manutenção