York Celebrations Choir

Zona de identificação

Tipo de entidade

Pessoa coletiva

Forma autorizada do nome

York Celebrations Choir

Forma(s) paralela(s) de nome

    Formas normalizadas do nome de acordo com outras regras

    • York Celebrations Choir; 1960s-1976

    Outra(s) forma(s) de nome

      identificadores para entidades coletivas

      Área de descrição

      Datas de existência



      York Celebrations Choir was formed in the 1960s out of a desire to amalgamate York's many small and medium-sized choirs. The aim was to create a 'choir of large forces which would be able to undertake major choral works.' The plan was to have around 400 voices. After a series of meetings the choir was formed and the first concert took place on 7 November 1970 in York Minster. The choir became a major element of the York 1900th celebrations in 1971.

      The choir took part in numerous concerts and had nine appearances on Yorkshire Television's Stars on Sunday programme. This led to formal recordings, and the release of three LPs.

      The choir formally ceased to exist in 1976.


      Estado Legal

      Funções, ocupações e atividades

      A public choir which participated in the York 1900th Festival, as well as recording three LPs and taking part in television programmes.

      Mandatos/fontes de autoridade

      Estruturas internas/genealogia

      Contexto geral

      York Celebrations Choir was formed in the 1960s out of a desire to amalgamate York's many small and medium-sized choirs. The aim was to create a 'choir of large forces which would be able to undertake major choral works.' The plan was to have around 400 voices. After a series of meetings the choir was formed and the first concert took place on 7 November 1970 in York Minster. The choir became a major element of the York 1900th celebrations in 1971. \n\nThe choir took part in numerous concerts and had nine appearances on Yorkshire Television's Stars on Sunday programme. This led to formal recordings, and the release of three LPs. \n\nThe choir formally ceased to exist in 1976.

      Área de relacionamentos

      Área de pontos de acesso

      Pontos de acesso - Assuntos

      Pontos de acesso - Locais


      Zona do controlo

      Identificador de autoridade arquivística de documentos


      Identificador da instituição


      Regras ou convenções utilizadas

      International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families - ISAAR(CPF) - Ottawa


      Nível de detalhe

      Datas de criação, revisão ou eliminação

      Línguas e escritas



          York in the 1970s: Ten Years that Changed a City, by Paul Chrystal (2016).

          Notas de manutenção