York Guild of Building

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Forma autorizada del nombre

York Guild of Building

Forma(s) paralela(s) de nombre

    Forma(s) normalizada del nombre, de acuerdo a otras reglas

    • York Guild of Building; 1954-present

    Otra(s) forma(s) de nombre

      Identificadores para instituciones

      Área de descripción

      Fechas de existencia



      The York Guild of Building was established in 1954 under the guidance of Sir Peter Shepherd and a number of other leading citizens connected with the construction industry, as well as professional organisations within the city, to represent and provide a forum for all the skills which are required in the construction and maintenance of buildings. This representation inspired the Guild logo.

      The builders of medieval York included masons, glaziers, plumbers, plasterers and tilers and the largest of the entire group who worked in wood, variously described as carpenters, sawyers, joiners and carvers. Of these only four crafts became organised into Guilds: the Carpenters, the Masons, the Tile Thatchers and the Plasterers. However these Guilds came to an end in York in the early nineteenth century.

      The Guild operates with a Court of Assistants under the leadership of the Master for the year, assisted by Senior and Junior Wardens. Five members of the Court are elected annually by the membership. In addition several organisations connected with the construction industry nominate representatives, together with York College. Membership is open to any person involved in any aspect of building and associated activities. The day to day running of the Guild is in the care of the Honorary Clerk.

      The Guild is committed to the advancement of design, management, science and craft in building and the better understanding of the problems and achievements of those engaged in building.

      To support the objectives of the Guild a very full programme of lectures, talks and visits, complimented by a range of social activities is produced by the court each year.


      Estatuto jurídico

      Funciones, ocupaciones y actividades

      A guild constituted to provide a forum for all the skills which are required in the construction and maintenance of buildings, which produces a full engagement programme of talks, lectures and visits on an annual basis.

      Mandatos/fuentes de autoridad

      Estructura/genealogía interna

      Contexto general

      The York Guild of Building was established in 1954 under the guidance of Sir Peter Shepherd and a number of other leading citizens connected with the construction industry, as well as professional organisations within the city, to represent and provide a forum for all the skills which are required in the construction and maintenance of buildings. This representation inspired the Guild logo.\n​\nThe builders of medieval York included masons, glaziers, plumbers, plasterers and tilers and the largest of the entire group who worked in wood, variously described as carpenters, sawyers, joiners and carvers. Of these only four crafts became organised into Guilds: the Carpenters, the Masons, the Tile Thatchers and the Plasterers. However these Guilds came to an end in York in the early nineteenth century.\n\nThe Guild operates with a Court of Assistants under the leadership of the Master for the year, assisted by Senior and Junior Wardens. Five members of the Court are elected annually by the membership. In addition several organisations connected with the construction industry nominate representatives, together with York College. Membership is open to any person involved in any aspect of building and associated activities. The day to day running of the Guild is in the care of the Honorary Clerk.\n\nThe Guild is committed to the advancement of design, management, science and craft in building and the better understanding of the problems and achievements of those engaged in building.\n​\nTo support the objectives of the Guild a very full programme of lectures, talks and visits, complimented by a range of social activities is produced by the court each year.

      Área de relaciones

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      Puntos de acceso por materia

      Puntos de acceso por lugar


      Área de control

      Identificador de registro de autoridad


      Identificador de la institución


      Reglas y/o convenciones usadas

      International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families - ISAAR(CPF) - Ottawa

      Estado de elaboración

      Nivel de detalle

      Fechas de creación, revisión o eliminación



          Notas de mantención