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Archival description
SWN/1/1 · Item · 24 July 1598
Part of Swann Family Papers

Rent and manor services. Consideration £24/16/11 (being the rateable part of a sum of £11,000). Richard Swale of London, Doctor of Lawanda Master of Chancery to Richard Husband of Askham Richard, labourer. Messuage and 5 acres of arable with some freepast


Bargain and Sale

Humphrey Harwood and Lewis Darcy, Gent, both of York, to Elias Robson of Clifton, yeoman, the annual rent of 10s from the Rectory of St Olave’s. Conson. £6. Endorsed The annual rent of 10s was bargained and sold by the trustees for selling fee farm rent to Arthur Young, esq. by an indenture dated 7 May 1652, and by him bargained and sold, 3 July 1657, to Humphrey Harwood. Signed and sealed by Humphrey Harward and Lewis Darcy.


William Robinson to John Witty a messuage called the Thorne Tree in Castlegate and the place called the Cockpitt. Term: 21 years. Rent: £7 per annum. Conson: £65 7s 6d. The lessee was to pay the hearth tax and other assessments, and to repair the messuage. Signed and sealed by John Wittie. Attached. Bond, in £100, of John Wittie for performance of covenants.

YPS/5/2 · Item · [c. 17th century]
Part of Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

Includes a copy of ordinances 1417-1675, with a list of bretheren admitted 1675-1698. The ordinances appear to have been copied at a later date in at least two separate hands.

Many of the pages in the volume contain scribbles and rough notes. A note on the first page reads 'From Mrs Hannah Horne ...'. It is not clear what this note refers to.

He reaffirmed that the dft. had pulled down the barns and carried away the timber to his own land or otherwise disposed of it. He had allowed the dwelling houses to fall down and had converted the timber and chambers thereof to his own use, and had promised to repair the hoses and erect new barns. The complt. denied that the premises were in decay when the dft. entered them. The dft. had not improved the freehold ---. (p.3 missing). He had taken 40 ash trees in addition to all necessary “boots” (allowances for timber for repairs and fuel) and has sold some, used other himself and committed waste in the other woods. Since the suit commenced, the dft. had cut down 4 ash trees worth 6s 8d each and taken them away. He had exchanged and enclosed his land in the manor whereby the complt. Could not distinguish which lands belonged to him nor for which lands the rent was payable to the Crown. And had enclosed his lands with those which were part of the manor in an attempt to disinherit the complt. of the latter. the dft. might have had a lease of the premises for 31 years. But this had expired 6 years ago, since when the dft. had allowed the messuage to become ruinous and had pulled down the barn an cut down trees. All improvements made by the dft. had been solely for his own advantage. Paper. 9 sheets (p.3 missing).


Robert Metham of Clyfton, Gent, to Thomas Gotherike of Clyfton. A croft in Clifton of an annual rent of 6d, containing ½ acre near James Hutchinson’s croft on the north and a croft in the tenure of John Wells on the south and in the west part, abutting on the Mylne Field on the east part and a small way on the west part; one acre of land worth 12d p.a. in the Town End Fields of Clifton, situated near William Robinson’s land. On both parts abutting on the Tofts on the west and a milestone on the north; and one acre of land in Foss Field of an annual rent of 12d. near the White Crosson the north part and the lands of Robert Weddell on the south and abutting on the highway on both parts. All the property was part of the manor of Acom and Holegate, part of the possessions of Edward late Duke of Somerset exchanged, and lately in the occupation of Thomas Gothericke. Conson. £20. Term. 57 years. Rent. 2s 6d p.a.

Lease and release
GDC/294/8 · Item · 5 June 1601-6 June 1601
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Lease and release by Hannah Buck of York, widow (relict of Stephen Black late of York, muffin baker) and Sarah Buck of York, spinster to Robert Walker of Leeds, merchants clerk and James Kibblethwaite of York, paper stainer - three fourth parts of a dwellinghouse in the parish of St Crux and the house where Stephen Buck lately dwelled and the house adjoinging and the leasehold house behind which was known as Beddern Old Hall, also a messuage and garth in beddern. Premises in North Street have already been sold.


Grays solicitors
YPS/6/1 · Item · 1602 - 19th century
Part of Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

Includes original letter and later [19th century] transcription.

Letter states that he [Thornburgh] had sent £350 to be paid into Sir Thos. Tasbury’s office, as Mr. Scudamour, Her Majesty’s Receivor for the county had directed. The remainder of the money due for the accounts of Ireland he would bring to London when he came in about 20 days’ time.
Signed, Jo: Thornburgh.

GDC/153/1 · Item · 27 August 1608
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

In Latin. Thomas Wetherall of Aberforth, gentleman to John Hendill and Thomas Hordhill of Partington in the County of York, husbandmen. All that holding of 50 acres of arable meadow and pasture in the village and fields of Aberforth for 40s-0d per year.


Grays solicitors
GDC/153/2 · Item · 19 December 1609
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

In Latin and English. William Killinghall bound to observe all clauses of indenture re a lease of the Mill Field at Skelton being part of a capital messuage dated 20 November 1609, or he loses £40.


Grays solicitors
Legal document
GDC/224/2 · Item · 8 October 1611
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Peter Swale of Great Usburne, gentleman, to William Cowlton of Branton in fee of a close called Springs (15 Acres) in Great Usburn.


Grays solicitors
YPS/7/2 · Item · 1615 - c. 1717
Part of Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

Two parchment rolls concerning deer on the King's land.

The first roll includes details on the numbers of deer, distinguishing stags, hinds, and other kinds of deer, in each forest, park and chase in April - May 1615, together with a note of the number of deer that died in the winter of 1614. The names of keepers of the forests and masters of the game are also given.

Details of the following forests, parks, and chases are included on the document: Forest of Galtres, Sherriff Hutton Park, Blansby Park with the Forest of Pickering Lithe, Forest of Pickering, Credling Park, Pomfret Park, Altoft Park, Park of the Hay, Bilton Park, Coverdale Chase, Bishopdale Chase, Mandlesse Park, Arkendale New Forest, Cotterdale Chase, Rydale Chase, and Hatfield Chase.

On the back of the parchment roll are later detailed notes about the history of the forests, parks, and chases has been written along with notes about their current state, possibly in 1717. These were possible done by Thomas Robinson, who has signed the back of the document. One the back is also written 'The gift of my kind uncle John Gibson'.

The second roll duplicates the details from the first for some of the forests, with additional rough notes and calculations. On the back of the roll are further notes in the same hand as those on the back of the first roll, including notes on the state of other forests in English with lists of the numbers of deer in those forests.

Legal document
GDC/226/1 · Item · 8 October 1616
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Henry Stapleton of Wighill, Esquire, and Stephen Taylor of Bickerton, gentleman, and Henry Freer (?) of Great Usburne, gentleman, to Bryan Marshall of Green Hammerton, yeoman, concerning lands at Thorpe Underwood.


Grays solicitors
WIN/1 · Item · 1619
Part of Acomb Windmill

Deed of Acomb Windmill.

Acomb Windmill
Letter from A G at York
YPS/6/2 · Item · 11 May 1622
Part of Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

Letter concerning security for money due to the writer upon his former bargain. He had been to see Mr. Fra. in Westmorland, who was willing to defer the meeting and that the money should be paid according to covenant.

DRI/1 · Item · 1624-1629
Part of Manor of Dringhouses

Hand-drawn coloured plan showing the Manor of Dringhouses, including the villages of Dringhouses and Middlethorpe, the fields and common lands. Enclosed fields are marked with the acreage and the name of the tenant; unenclosed fields are marked with the acreage and the many names of strip farmers. Individual dwellings are also shown. Also includes a surrogate copy.

Map drawn by Samuel Parsons.

Draft agreement

Thomas Robinson was to convey to William Robinson, his brother and William Robinson, jnr. Relates to the manors of Newby, Swaineby, Allathorpe, Awdfield and Cundall near Thorneton Briggs, and his messuage and lands in Raynton and Norton, before Christmas next. All except Swaineby were to be held to the use of Thomas Robinson and the heirs male of his body begotten, remainder to William Robinson, sen. and the heirs male of his body begotten, remainder to Francis Harrison, widow of Robert Harrison, Alderman and sister of Thomas Robinson, and the heirs of her body, remainder to Christopher Robinson of York, merchant, for life, remainder to William Robinson, his son, and the heirs male of his body begotten, or in default thereof, to the heirs male of the said Christopher, remainder to William Robinson of London, brother of the said Christopher and the heirs male of his body begotten, remainder to the right heirs of William Robinson, Alderman, late of York, father of the said Thomas and William Robinson. Proviso that Thomas Robinson might lease the premises (as above). Conson. £200 already paid a further £500, as agreed above. Marginal note: engrossed according to this draft. Paper. 24 pages.

Relating to charters granted to St. Mary’s Abbey, York. 88 foolscap sheets, two of which are badly torn. Final pages are wanting. Confirming to the tenants, inhabitants and residents of his high court of St Mary’s the liberties, privileges and immunities which they enjoyed by the grants of William Rufus, Henry II, Henry III, Edward I, Edward II, Edward III, Richard II, Henry IV, Henry VI, Henry VIII, in as large and ample manner as when these possessions belonged to the Abbot of St. Mary’s (Drake, Eboracum’, p.599).

Extract from Accounts

For 1616-17. Of Wm Worsley, Collector of the rents and farm lately of St Mary’s Abbey. The tenants of Clifton windmill, formerly in the tenure of Wm Stable at 13s 4d p.a. owed 106s 8d for 8 years’ arrears. Reciting the grant of Clifton manor at £39 18s 5d rent to Richard Swayne and Richard Ryves who conveyed it to Robt. Saymour and Wm Blake. They conveyed it to Wm Robinson of York, alderman. The windmill was granted in fee simple at 13s 4d p.a. rent to George Lowe, esq., and Edmund Sawyer, gent, by Letters Patent, 19 Feb. 1615.

Robinson; family