Unidad documental simple MFP/11/11 - Joseph Munby at Scarborough to his mother

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Joseph Munby at Scarborough to his mother


  • 14 September 1818 (Creación)

Nivel de descripción

Unidad documental simple

Volumen y soporte

1 item

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Nombre del productor

(c1800 - present)

Historia biográfica

Joseph Munby, solicitor, was the son of Joseph Munby and Jane Pearson. He was born in 1804.. In 1827, he married Caroline Eleanor Forth . They had seven children:

  • Arthur Munby b. c1829
  • John Forth. Munby b. c1832
  • George Frederick Woodhouse Munby b. c 1834
  • Frederick J. Munby b. c1838
  • Joseph Munby b. c1840
  • Caroline Munby b. c1844
  • Edward C. Munby b c1846

Frederick Munby and his wife, Elizabeth, had two children:
-Beatrice b. c1867
-John Cecil bc1876

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Alcance y contenido

Is pleased that his mother left Scarborough before the spell of cold weather. ‘On Saturday the 5th, Mr. Day and Blanchard the hatter of York, with a young man from Leeds whom they had dared to it, went on the water as far as Filey bridge, when a squall of wind overset the boat which they had a sail up. The two boatmen with Day and Blanchard got on to the boat but he being a good swimmer thought to get to land: but the weight of his clothes pressing upon him, he sunk, and is not yet found.’


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  • inglés

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