Item MFP/12/11 - Letter to Joseph Munby at 97 Halton Gardens, London from Mrs. J. Pontey at Kirkheaton

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Letter to Joseph Munby at 97 Halton Gardens, London from Mrs. J. Pontey at Kirkheaton


  • 4 January 1826 (Produção)

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1 item

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Nome do produtor

(c1800 - present)

História biográfica

Joseph Munby, solicitor, was the son of Joseph Munby and Jane Pearson. He was born in 1804.. In 1827, he married Caroline Eleanor Forth . They had seven children:

  • Arthur Munby b. c1829
  • John Forth. Munby b. c1832
  • George Frederick Woodhouse Munby b. c 1834
  • Frederick J. Munby b. c1838
  • Joseph Munby b. c1840
  • Caroline Munby b. c1844
  • Edward C. Munby b c1846

Frederick Munby and his wife, Elizabeth, had two children:
-Beatrice b. c1867
-John Cecil bc1876

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Mentions some family links with ‘useful’? people. He must settle with Ord and Pearson (write to Ord) the agreement made with his mother for him to enter the partnership on completion of his work in London, not mentioning what they would give him for relinquishing it. His father’s exertions in the election shortly after he was established in York did him great credit and made him better known.
His sisters had gone to Hull. If they went to York it would be to the Manor and to pay 23/- per week each besides expenses Mr. Pearson said it was more than their income allowed, and more than they both paid at Kirkheaton. If she lived she would like Lucy to stay a quarter sometimes and not be kept at school so much.


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