Item MFP/12/1 - Letter from Mrs Munby to Joseph Munby

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Letter from Mrs Munby to Joseph Munby


  • 7 November 1816 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

1 item

Zona do contexto

Nome do produtor

(c1800 - present)

História biográfica

Joseph Munby, solicitor, was the son of Joseph Munby and Jane Pearson. He was born in 1804.. In 1827, he married Caroline Eleanor Forth . They had seven children:

  • Arthur Munby b. c1829
  • John Forth. Munby b. c1832
  • George Frederick Woodhouse Munby b. c 1834
  • Frederick J. Munby b. c1838
  • Joseph Munby b. c1840
  • Caroline Munby b. c1844
  • Edward C. Munby b c1846

Frederick Munby and his wife, Elizabeth, had two children:
-Beatrice b. c1867
-John Cecil bc1876

Entidade detentora

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Âmbito e conteúdo

The letter is a reply to MFP/11/6. She has recently returned from a nine week visit to his aunt and uncle (at Liverpool) including a tour of N. Wales. Details of the N. Wales trip which Joseph could find on a map. New clothes to be made for him and he is to buy a new hat and pair of shoes. Much news of friends and family and the comment ‘when people in office begin by breaking the Sabbath, it gives an ill savour to all their actions ... the judgements of God are abroad in the land ... war has not humbled us ...’ Corn and fruit were of poor quality and due to the continued rain the ground is too poor for sowing for next year. Incomplete.


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  • inglês

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