Serie Y/ADM/1/3/1 - An Act for making and maintaining a navigable communication from junction of the River Foss with the River Ouse.

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Código de referencia



An Act for making and maintaining a navigable communication from junction of the River Foss with the River Ouse.


  • 30 April 1793 (Creación)

Nivel de descripción


Volumen y soporte

2 items

Área de contexto

Nombre del productor


Historia administrativa

The ancient corporation of York, with rights and privileges gradually accrued over time by royal degree and legislation. It was dramatically reformed in 1835 following the Municipal Corporations Act.
Previously known as "the Mayor and Commonality of the City of York", it developed into the historical corporation. The corporation was reformed in 1835, became a district council within North Yorkshire County Council in 1974 and a unitary authority once more as the City of York Council in 1996.

Nombre del productor


Historia administrativa

The ancient corporation was dramatically altered by the Municipal Corporation Act. It lost many legal rights and privileges, the electorate was widened, various officials were changed or renamed and a single chamber was instituted.
Previously known as "the Mayor and Commonality of the City of York", it developed into the historical Corporation (see City of York Corporation (Unreformed). The corporation was reformed in 1835, became a district council with North Yorkshire County Council in 1974 and a unitary authority once more as the City of York Council in 1996. Municipal charities passed to York Charity Trustees in 1837.

Institución archivística

Área de contenido y estructura

Alcance y contenido

Two copies.


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Material is available subject to the usual terms and conditions of access to Archives and Local History collections.


Images are supplied for private research only at the Archivist's discretion. Please note that material may be unsuitable for copying on conservation grounds. Researchers who wish to publish material must seek copyright permission from the copyright owner.

Idioma del material

  • inglés

Escritura del material

    Notas sobre las lenguas y escrituras

    Instrumentos de descripción

    Listed to item level in Giles catalogue (1909)

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