Zona de identificação
Código de referência
- 1650-1664 (Produção)
Nível de descrição
Dimensão e suporte
1 volume
Zona do contexto
Nome do produtor
Entidade detentora
Zona do conteúdo e estrutura
Âmbito e conteúdo
Minute and memoranda book, covering the period May 1650 - January 1664. Entries are in chronological order, however an undated page is included at the start of the volume, and several pages out of chronological order are included at the end. Many of the pages have been badly damaged, and the conservation has obscured much of the writing, making it hard to read.
See also Y/COU/1/1/36 for a small number of entries from 1650 and 1651.
Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style.
Sistema de arranjo
Zona de condições de acesso e utilização
Condições de acesso
Material is available subject to the usual terms and conditions of access to Archives and Local History collections.
Condiçoes de reprodução
Copies are supplied for private research only at the Archivist's discretion. Please note that material may be unsuitable for copying on conservation grounds. Researchers who wish to publish material must seek copyright permission from the copyright owner.
Idioma do material
- inglês
- latim