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Meeting minutes (2005)
YPC/1/9 · Documento · 2004 - 2005
Parte de Records of the York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir


This file includes the minutes for 2005. There are a set of committee meeting minutes for January, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, and November. The minutes include documents such as treasurer reports, monthly income and expenditure sheets, lists of upcoming concert dates, correspondence, and meeting agendas.

There is also an agenda and set of meeting minutes for the annual general meeting held in February. These minutes are also duplicated in the file of meeting minutes for 2006 (reference: YPC/1/10).

Meeting minutes (2003 - 2004)
YPC/1/8 · Documento · 2003 - 2004
Parte de Records of the York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir


This file includes choir meeting minutes for 2003 and 2004.

This file includes the committee meeting minutes for January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, and November. The minutes include agendas and monthly accounts.

There is also a set of minutes from an annual general meeting and from a French sub-committee meeting in June. The file also includes notes from a meeting held in July to discuss the format of future visits to Germany.

The file also includes proposals for the marketing of choir merchandise.

Includes committee meeting minutes for January, February, March, June, July, September, October, and November. While there are no minutes for a committee meeting held in April, in this file, there is an agenda for a committee meeting held in April included in the file.

The file also includes minutes from the annual general meeting.

Meeting minutes (2002)
YPC/1/7 · Documento · 1994 - 2002
Parte de Records of the York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir


This file includes the meeting minutes for the year 2002.

There are a set of minutes for committee meetings for January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, and November. Some of the minutes have appended documents such as meeting agendas, chairman reports, treasurer reports, and correspondence which relates to meeting discussions.

There is also an agenda for the committee meeting held January 1994.

Also included in the file is an agenda for the choir's annual general meeting, with the trustees annual report, two copies of the treasurers report, and an accounts analysis for the years 1997 - 2001, plus a letter to the vice president from the vice-presidents' administrator regarding upcoming engagements for 2002 and 2003. There are also minutes for a 2002 extraordinary general meeting to discuss changes to the choir's constitution, with a copy of the choir's constitution and list of proposed amendments. There is also a photocopy of a set of minutes from a North East Male Choirs recruitment meeting held September 2002.

The file also includes some minutes from other years. The file includes an agenda for the committee meeting held January 1994. There is no file of meeting minutes for 1994 in the collection. The file also includes minutes for the choir's annual general meeting held in 2001 along with a chairman's report and treasurer's report. These minutes are duplicates from the 2001 meeting minutes (reference: YPC/1/6).

The file also includes some general documents relating to choir engagements including song sheets, proposals for choir trips, itineraries for trips, and expressions of interest from members relating to various events and trips.

Meeting minutes (2001)
YPC/1/6 · Documento · 2001
Parte de Records of the York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir


This file contains meeting minutes for the year 2001.

The file includes committee meeting minutes for January, February, March, April, May, July, August, September, October, and November. There are agendas, correspondence and monthly income and expenditure accounts included with the minutes.

There is also a set of minutes for the annual general meeting, which includes a treasurer's report. These minutes from the annual general meeting are also duplicated in the file containing meeting minutes for 2002 (reference: YPC/1/7). There is also a set of minutes from a finance committee meeting called in January to complete the previous year's financial report. Also included are a set of minutes from a sub-committee discussing changes to the constitution.

The file also contains a list of responsibilities for different roles in the choir, and a brief for the Carols in Kirkgate event in 2001.

Meeting minutes (1999 - 2000)
YPC/1/5 · Documento · 1998 - 2000
Parte de Records of the York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir


This file includes the minutes for the choir committee meetings for the years 1999 and 2000.

There are also the minutes for the choir's annual general meeting in 1998. The rest of the minutes for 1998 can be found with the meeting minutes for 1995 - 1996 and 1998 (reference: YPC/1/3).

The file also includes correspondence from companies such as One 2 One and Kall Kwik, and correspondence with members relating to events and band governance. There are some other items in the folder such as an induction sheet for choir members, a choir newsletter, and documents relating to performances including timings sheets for performances and lists of upcoming events.

There are a set of minutes for committee meetings for January, February, March, May, June, July, August, September, October, and November. Some of the minutes have appended documents such as meeting agendas, chairman reports, treasurer reports, and correspondence which relates to meeting discussions.

There are also the minutes for the choir's annual general meeting in 1999. The minutes include secretary's report, treasurers report and musical directors report.

There are a set of minutes for committee meetings for January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, and November. Some of the minutes have appended documents such as meeting agendas, chairman reports, treasurer reports, and correspondence which is discussed in the committee meetings.

There file also an agenda for the annual general meeting and meeting minutes for two extraordinary general meetings held in March and April. One held in march was organised to discuss changes to the constitution. The extraordinary general meeting held in April was called to discuss the loss of Kall Kwik's sponsorship. The file includes correspondence to members calling for these meetings.

There are also minutes for several finance committee meetings which include financial reports, music sub-committee minutes and European tour sub-committee minutes. These minutes include a list of sub-committee responsibilities and a note to the choir's committee regarding these responsibilities.

Meeting minutes (1997)
YPC/1/4 · Documento · 1997
Parte de Records of the York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir


This file contains meeting minutes for the year 1997.

There is a set of committee meeting minutes for January, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, and November. These minutes have documents such as monthly income and expenditure accounts and meeting agendas appended.

There is also a set of minutes for an extraordinary committee meeting held in June to discuss the production of a choir recording.

There are two sets of minutes for two separate President's extraordinary meetings held in January; one meeting to discuss the upcoming visit of the Münsterscher Männergesangverein (Münster Male Choral Society), and one to discuss changes to the choir's constitution.

The file also includes a set of minutes and agenda for the annual general meeting.

This file also includes documents such as adjudicator's remark sheets, concert requests, and a list of job descriptions for various positions within the choir. There is also some correspondence, which includes a resignation letter from a choir member, and an invite to perform at a festival in York.

Meeting minutes (1995 - 1996 and 1998)
YPC/1/3 · Documento · 1995 - 1998
Parte de Records of the York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir


This file includes the committee meeting minutes for 1995, 1996 and 1998. The minutes for 1997 are in a different file (reference: YPC/1/4). The file also includes other documents, such as bulletins, memorandums from the choir's committee, correspondence, and travel arrangements for trips and performances. The file also includes a bulletin for the National Male Voice Choir Championships of Great Britain.

There are committee meeting minutes for January, February, March, May, June, July, August, October, November and December. The committee minutes for February, May and October of 1995 are duplicated in the information sheets (reference: YPC/4/2/2).

There are committee meeting minutes for January, February, March, April, May, June, September, October, November and December. There are also minutes for an annual general meeting.

This file also includes documents such as memorandums, correspondence and travel arrangements for events and trips.

There are committee meeting minutes for January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, and November. The minutes include documents such as agendas and monthly income and expenditure accounts.

The file also includes the agenda and treasurer's report for the annual general meeting, although the meeting minutes are not included. The minutes for the annual general meeting are included with the meeting minutes for 1999 - 2000 (reference: YPC/1/5).

Meeting minutes (1988 - 1993)
YPC/1/2 · Documento · 1988 - 1993
Parte de Records of the York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir


This file contains meeting minutes from 1988 to 1993. The file also includes other documents such as correspondence and reports.

There is a set of committee minutes for the months January, February, March, April, May, June, August, September, and November. There are also minutes for a fundraising committee meeting held in March and a finance sub-committee meeting held in September. There are also minutes for a joint meeting between the York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir and the York Railway Institute Male Voice Choir, held in October.

Also in this file for the year 1988 are a quarterly attendance reports tracking members' attendance at rehearsals.

There is a set of minutes for January, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, and November.

There is a set of committee meeting minutes for January, February, March, April, May, June, August, September, and two committee meetings held in November. Some of the committee minutes include appended treasurer's reports and agendas.

There is also a set of minutes for two separate special committee meetings held in July to discuss the conduct of a choir member. The file also includes letters to choir members regarding these extraordinary committee meetings and calling for an extraordinary general meeting with members to discuss the issue.

There is a set of committee minutes for January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, and November. Some of the minutes include meeting agendas. There are also minutes for an extraordinary committee meeting in June to discuss the resignation of the musical director, and minutes from a general meeting held in December.

Additional documents include a copy of the choir's constitution and a document with proposed amendments to the choir's administration and committee structure.

There is a set of committee meeting minutes for January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December. The file also includes minutes for a forward planning sub-committee meeting in August, and for an extraordinary general meeting held in October to review the musical director's performance.

This file has some additional items including design specifications for a memorial dedicated to Henry Brough.

There is a set of committee meeting minutes for January, February, March, April, May, July, September, November and December. The minutes include appended documents such as agendas and treasurer reports.

Meeting minutes (2007 - 2008)
YPC/1/11 · Documento · 2006 - 2008
Parte de Records of the York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir


This file contains meeting minutes for 2007 and 2008.

There is a set of committee meeting minutes for January, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, and November. The January minutes are also duplicated in the file of meeting minutes from 2006 (reference: YPC/1/10).

There is an agenda for the annual general meeting held in 2007 but there are no corresponding minutes.

There are other documents in the file which includes a list of choir rules, treasurer's job description, reports from the public relations officer, meeting agendas, income and expenditure sheets and correspondence.

There is only one set of minutes for 2008 included in the folder, a set of committee meeting minutes from a meeting in January 2008.

The file also includes some meeting minutes from 2006. There is a set of minutes from the 2006 annual general meeting held in February with an appended chairman’s report. There are also minutes from an extraordinary general meeting held in November 2006, to discuss changes to the choir's constitution. There is a separate file with meeting minutes for 2006 (reference: YPC/1/10).

Meeting minutes (2006)
YPC/1/10 · Documento · 2006 - 2007
Parte de Records of the York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir


This file includes the minutes for 2006. There is a set of minutes from committee meetings for January, February, March, April, May, July, September, October, and November.

Included with the minutes is correspondence, meeting agendas, an events calendar for they year, the choir's annual tax return to the choir commission, treasurers reports and monthly income and expenditure sheets.

This file also includes an agenda for the annual general meeting held in February. The minutes for this meeting and the appended chairman's report can be found in the file of meeting minutes for 2007 and 2008. The file from 2007 and 2008 also includes minutes from an extraordinary general meeting held in November 2006, to discuss changes to the choir's constitution (reference: YPC/1/11).

The file also includes meeting minutes from other years. There is a set of minutes from the annual general meeting held in February 2005. These minutes are also duplicated in the file of meeting minutes for 2005 (reference: YPC/1/9). There is also a set of committee meeting minutes from January 2007. These minutes are also duplicated in the file of meeting minutes for 2007 and 2008 (reference: YPC/1/11).

Loose meeting minutes and administrative papers
YPC/1/1 · Documento · 1970 - 2008
Parte de Records of the York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir


This file includes a mix of papers which were found loose. The file includes correspondence, including some emails which have been printed; concert schedules and information, regulations and guidelines for various concerts and competitions; notes on the history of the choir; material relating to meetings such as an undated notice for an extraordinary general meeting, and annual general meeting agendas from 1983 and 1985; proposals for changes to the choir's constitution; and a fundraising proposal from Prince's trust.

There are also photocopies of newspaper clippings from 1912. Other newspaper articles can be found in the file of newspaper clippings (reference: YPC/13).

Annual reports
YNT/9 · Documento · 1961-1983
Parte de Yorkshire Naturalists' Trust

Incomplete series. Includes 1961, 1967-1975 and 1978 only.


Members Bulletins
YNT/8 · Documento · 1992-2010
Parte de Yorkshire Naturalists' Trust

Incomplete series. Includes 1992, 2005, 2007-2010 only. Not all editions are available for each year.


Brochures for members
YNT/3 · Documento · 1946-1968
Parte de Yorkshire Naturalists' Trust

Includes brochures from 1946 (three copies), 1957 (two copies), 1966 and 1968 (three copies).


YNT/10 · Documento · January 1990-2013
Parte de Yorkshire Naturalists' Trust

Incomplete series. Numbers 993, 1076 and 1082 are missing.


Papers, programmes, and news cuttings
YMS/9/1 · Documento · 1908 - 1910
Parte de York Musical Society

Scrapbook containing correspondence, leaflets and flyers, news cuttings, circular letters, administrative papers and receipts, concert tickets, and other papers relating to the York Musical Festival, 1910. A number of promotional brochures and programmes originally kept loose in the volume have previously been removed and are kept in a separate folder.

The papers relate to the establishment and organisation of the festival, including support for the festival from patrons and subscribers, performers and performances, and the fitting out of a concert space at Exhibition Buildings, including trade receipts and papers for furnishings.

Also included in the volume is correspondence with the organisers of other musical festivals and programmes for those festivals, including the Gloucester Musical Festival and the Leeds Musical Festival, a monochrome photograph showing a concert group in Exhibition Buildings, and a programme for a performance by the York Musical Society, 1908.

Concert programmes, 1995 - 1999
YMS/8/6 · Documento · April 1995 - December 1999
Parte de York Musical Society

Programmes for performances at York Minster. Also includes two tickets for performances in 1995 and 1996.

YMS/8/3/2 · Documento · 1968 - [c. 2000s]
Parte de York Musical Society

Includes a typed list of all the performances conducted by Francis Jackson, with details of the performers, other performance groups, and the locations of the performances. Also includes some promotional flyers and leaflets, photocopies of photographs [of Dr. Francis Jackson], and photocopies of posters advertising performances.

Concert programmes, 1913 - 1947
YMS/8/2 · Documento · 1913 - [late 20th century]
Parte de York Musical Society

Programmes for performances by York Musical Society, principally conducted by Sir Edward C. Bairstow, but also including concerts conducted by Owen Le P. Franklin, Paul Steinitz, Leslie Wright, Clarence Raybould, and Basil Cameron. Also includes a letter and a copy of a letter, 1947, concerning rehearsals for performances, and two prospectuses, one for the 1925-1926 season and one for the 1935-1936 season.

Rehearsal registers, 2013-14 to 2018-19
YMS/7/2/3 · Documento · Autumn 2013 - Summer 2019
Parte de York Musical Society

Typescript registers of members present for rehearsals for specific performances throughout each season. Also includes some lists of visitors to rehearsals.

Correspondence and papers of Ray Lovely
YMS/6/2 · Documento · 1994 - May 1995
Parte de York Musical Society

Includes letters and copies of letter written by Ray Lovely, Vice President, principally to the Chairman, concerning society business. Also includes a membership report for the 1993-1994 season and notes from an audit, May 1995.

Secretary's papers and correspondence, disk 5(a)
YMS/6/1/7 · Documento · July 2004 - 2005
Parte de York Musical Society

The disk includes a listing on the outside reading:
July 04, Chart of Office holders

Please note, at the time of cataloguing the contents of this disk could not be verified due to technological obsolescence.

Secretary's papers and correspondence, disk 4
YMS/6/1/5 · Documento · c.2003 - 2006
Parte de York Musical Society

The disk includes a listing on the outside reading:
St John's

Please note, at the time of cataloguing the contents of this disk could not be verified due to technological obsolescence.

Secretary's papers and correspondence, disk 2
YMS/6/1/2 · Documento · c.2003
Parte de York Musical Society

The disk includes a listing on the outside reading:
2003 minutes and AGM
Welcome children notice
Fire drill

Please note, at the time of cataloguing the contents of this disk could not be verified due to technological obsolescence.

Secretary's papers and correspondence, disk 1
YMS/6/1/1 · Documento · c.2003 - 2006
Parte de York Musical Society

The disk includes a listing on the outside reading:
YMStt - Rehearsal Schedule
Central Methodist - new season
Gen. Sec. [General Secretary] - job description
Term of office listing
St. John's request
Fire Drill

Please note, at the time of cataloguing the contents of this disk could not be verified due to technological obsolescence.

Annual General Meeting minutes and papers, 2013 - 2018
YMS/5/3 · Documento · 2013 - 2018
Parte de York Musical Society

Includes minutes of meetings and papers prepared for meetings, including officers' reports, financial accounts and statements, and minutes from previous meetings. Includes minutes for the meetings held in 2013, 2015, and 2018 only.

Trustees' reports and financial accounts
YMS/3/4 · Documento · 2008 - 2021
Parte de York Musical Society

Includes accounts for the year ending 31 January 2008 to the year ending 31 January 2016, and Trustees' reports and unaudited financial statements for the year ending 31 January 2017 to the year ending 31 January 2021.

Minutes, 2013 - 2021
YMS/2/12 · Documento · 20 May 2013 - 26 July 2021
Parte de York Musical Society

Minutes for committee meetings. Also includes minutes for Trustees' meetings, 2021.

Minutes, 1999 - 2006
YMS/2/10 · Documento · 26 October 1999 - 19 October 2006
Parte de York Musical Society

Minutes for committee meetings, with some associated papers, including financial statements and reports, correspondence, and agenda.

YMS/15/4 · Documento · c. 2000s
Parte de York Musical Society

Includes copies of original documents as well as notes and information sheets about T. Tertius Noble.

Includes copies of: programmes for performances by YMS (1898-1910); committee meeting minutes (1908); newspaper articles on performances (1909-13); Annual reports and balance sheets (1908-13); a letter regarding poor attendance at rehearsals (1912); committee meeting minutes (1912); notes on receipts and payments (1905-14); list of subscribers (1911-13); portrait and memorial of Canon Thomas Pemberton/ Hudson, with notes on his life and family; programmes for and notes on Hovingham Festival (1887-1952); and notes and articles on AGMs (1892-1910).

YMS/15/3 · Documento · c. 2000s
Parte de York Musical Society

Includes copies of original documents as well as notes and information sheets about the history of YMS.

Papers include notes on prominent singers in YMS, organists of York Minster, and the history of YMS, as well as copies of: photographs of performances; list of subscribers (1910-11); programmes of performances (1905-72); excerpt from The Mirror of Music, 1844-1944 by Percy Alfred Scholes (1947); letter regarding rehearsal attendance (1947); and rules (1825).

YMS/15/2 · Documento · c. 2000s
Parte de York Musical Society

Includes copies of original documents as well as notes and information sheets about the history of YMS.

Papers include: a pamphlet on the history of YMS by York Georgian Society (1948); facsimile of YMS membership list (1767-70); facsimile of YMS Rules (1825); list of performances by YMS under Thomas Tertius Noble (1901-13), Sir Edward Cuthbert Bairstow (1914-46), Dr Francis Jackson (1947-82) and Philip Moore (1983-2010); facsimiles of programmes for performances at York Minster (1916-18); copies of newspaper cuttings relating to performances by and history and organisation of YMS (1909-7); facsimile of minutes for committee meeting held at Lantern Tower Chambers (30 April 1947); facsimile of a receipt for YMS dinner (29 September 1818); and copies of the Annual Reports and Balance Sheets (1918-20).

Membership cards and tickets
YMS/14/1 · Documento · 1911-2011
Parte de York Musical Society

Includes small cards, booklets and tickets issued to members. Includes: tickets for YMS performances 1986-1991; constitution and rule booklets for members for various years between 1961 and 2011; chorus member tickets; member's rehearsal attendance cards for various seasons between 1910-1911 and 1924-1925; and a card containing an itinerary for a visit of the Yorkshire Choir to Festival of Empire, October 1911.

Leaflets for York Musical Society performances
YMS/12/5 · Documento · 2008 - 2020
Parte de York Musical Society

Leaflets promoting all performances within a season. Also includes a flyer promoting membership of the society, and a bookmark containing a list of performances within that season.

YMS/12/3 · Documento · 2010 - 2019
Parte de York Musical Society

Includes: leaflets outlining all performances within a season; flyers and posters promoting specific performances; a leaflet promoting the society to new members; leaflets concerning practices and workshops; a copy of the YMS constitution as adopted 2015; and a booklet for performances by the St. Michael's Singers, Coventry Cathedral, 2013.

Reviews and advertisements
YMS/11/5 · Documento · 2014 - 2018
Parte de York Musical Society

Includes two typed reviews of performances copied from articles in 'The Press'; a handwritten card thanking the recipient for their help; and a photocopy of a notice in 'The Observer' relating to a performance by the society in 2018.

Photocopies of press cuttings, 1979-99
YMS/11/4 · Documento · c. 1981 - 1999
Parte de York Musical Society

Photocopies of newspaper cuttings relating to YMS performances, with some original programmes and posters. Also includes a copy of newspaper cuttings relating to a YMS trip to Munster, 1993; a letter to the editor of the Yorkshire Post regarding a review of a YMS performance, 1995; and a photograph of Brian Kay.

Press cuttings of reviews of performances, 1951-1992
YMS/11/3 · Documento · 1945 - 2010
Parte de York Musical Society

Newspaper cuttings, with some photocopies of cuttings, relating to performances and members of YMS, principally 1971-92, but also including one cutting from 1951. Also includes some advertisements for performances 1971-86, a memo regarding a performance of St Matthew's Passion 1945, and a copy of an obituary of an organist at York Minster, Allan Wicks, 2010.

Photocopies of reviews of performances, 1902-1980
YMS/11/2 · Documento · 1952 - c. 2000s
Parte de York Musical Society

Includes copies of published and handwritten reviews of performances 1902-1980, as well as some copies of programmes for performances, two original flyers for performances, and notes on a 1945 performance of The Messiah made in 2003.

Articles from the 'Musical Times'
YMS/11/1 · Documento · 1943 - 1955
Parte de York Musical Society

Editions of the Musical Times which include articles relating directly to the work of York Musical Society, the director of the society, or articles written by someone associated with the society. Many of the editions have been marked on the outside to indicate which article relates to the society. Also includes some loose pages taken form editions of the magazine.

Ode to the Y.M.S.'
YMS/10/3 · Documento · 1927 - 2022
Parte de York Musical Society

Typescript poem, with envelope, written by a choir member after a particular rehearsal in 1927. Also includes a typed and printed transcription and commentary on the poem by Dr. Rosemary Anderson.

Rehearsal Schedules
YMP/7 · Documento · 1969
Parte de York Mystery Plays

Contains four sheets of play rehearsal times and locations.

Sem título
YMP/5/6 · Documento · 1960s
Parte de York Mystery Plays

Six photographsof York Mystery Plays costume head wear, props and stage design.

Sem título
York Festival and Mystery Plays Programmes
YMP/3/11 · Documento · 1976
Parte de York Mystery Plays

Two programmes covering the York Festival and Mystery Plays from 11 June- 4 July 1976 with information about performances and lists of performers. Also includes ticket booking forms.

Drawings of costumes and staging
YMP/2/1 · Documento · 1960-1963
Parte de York Mystery Plays

Includes sketches of different costumes, painting of stage design and photographs of the plays with quotes from the plays.

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