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Notice d'autorité
Tramways and Motor Manager
GB0192-166 · Collectivité · 1910-Unknown

Reported to Tramways Committee (1910-1911), Electricity and Tramways Committee (1911-1923)

GB0192-63 · Collectivité · pre-1396

York had three bailiffs. They were replaced by two sheriffs when York became a county in 1396.
Replaced by sheriffs in 1396.

Factory Inspector
GB0192-191 · Collectivité

Responsibility for sanitary conditions of factories transferred to Sanitary Inspector in 1921.
See Also - City of York Tramways Company

Public Lighting Committee
GB0192-26 · Collectivité · 1854-1862

An occasional committee setup by the Local Board of Health Committee in 1854 when the current contract for the supply of gas lighting was coming to an end.

City Treasurer
GB0192-52 · Collectivité · 1835-20th century

In 1835 the traditional post of Chamberlain was replaced with that of City Treasurer.
Replaced the Chamberlain when the Corporation was reformed in 1835. Some functions temporarily transferred to a City Accountant 1884-1905.

Maternity Hospital Committee
GB0192-127 · Collectivité · 1922-1940

In 1921 the corporation purchased Acomb Hall estate and the house was turned into a new Maternity hospital in 1922. It merged with the original Ogleforth voluntary maternity hospital.
Instructed Visiting Surgeon and Resident Medical Officer (female).

Curator (Castle Museum)
GB0192-140 · Collectivité · 20th century

Reported to Castle Museum Committee (1940-c.1973 and Castle Museum and Art Gallery Committee (c.1973-1980s)

Juvenile Employment Committee
GB0192-159 · Collectivité · 1912-1974

Originally Sub-committee of York Education Committee. Renamed Youth Employment Sub-Committee in 1949

Parliamentary Committee
GB0192-67 · Collectivité · 1869-1914

The earliest extant minute book dates from 1869 but it may have met earlier.

Gas and Water Purchase Committee
GB0192-31 · Collectivité · 1870-1871

Gas was provided privately in York by the York Gas Light Company and the York Union Gas Light Company who merged to form the York United Gas Light Company in 1844.

Curator (Art Gallery)
GB0192-137 · Collectivité · 20th century

The first professional curator, Hans Hess was appointed in 1947 and resigned in 1967.
Reported to Museums and Art Gallery Committee, Art Gallery Committee and Castle Museum and Art Gallery Committee.

GB0192-42 · Collectivité · 1290-1835

First mentioned in 1290, the number of elected chamberlains ranged from three to eight. There was typically a chief chamberlain, or "Lord Mayor's Chamberlain" and a number of others either for support or in name only. How desirable the posts were varied over time: in the fifteenth century holders often had to supplement the city's finances from their own, whereas in the seventeen century the posts were seen as the first step on the ladder of civic office. The post was replaced by that of City Treasurer when the Corporation was reformed in 1835.
Replaced by City Treasurer in 1835.

York Gas Company
GB0192-38 · Collectivité · 1912-1948

Formed by a merger of the two competing local private gas companies. The inherited Monk Bridge gas generating site was extended in 1847 and the Hungate site sold in 1850. The works and supply areas were extended various times by Act of Parliament. There was tension between the private company and the Corporation who sought to buy it in 1871 (unsuccessfully) and attempted to block its expansion in Parliament in 1912. Control was transfered to the North-Eastern Gas board in 1948 when electricity and gas were nationalised.
Formed by merger of York Gas Light Company and York Union Gas Light Company in 1844.
Changed name to York Gas Company in 1912

Rating and Valuation Committee
GB0192-53 · Collectivité · 1926-1950

In 1926 responsibility for collecting rates and valuing city property was taken away from the Overseers of the Poor and given to the Corporation. This committee was established to carry this out.
Took over function from Overseers of the Poor in 1926.

Telephone Committee
GB0192-725 · Collectivité · 1898-1899

Met occasionally to negotiate with the National Telephone Company Ltd regarding costs, installing telegraph poles and cables.

York Tramways Company
GB0192-201 · Collectivité · 1879-1886

Opened first tram line (horse-drawn) in York from Castle bridge to Fulford in 1880.
Function transferred to City of York Tramways Company in 1886.

GB0192-125 · Collectivité · 1905-unknown

First appointed in 1905.
Reported to the Asylum Visiting Committee (1899-1926) and then the Mental Hospital Committee (1926-1948).

Gas Committee
GB0192-40 · Collectivité · 1898-1912

Gas was provided privately in York by the York Gas Light Company and the York Union Gas Light Company who merged to form the York United Gas Light Company in 1844.
See also Parliamentary Committee 1917-1918 re: York Gas Company's Bill

York United Gas Light Company
GB0192-25 · Collectivité · 1844-1912

Formed as a merger of the two competing local private gas companies. The Monk Bridge site was extended in 1847 and the Hungate site sold in 1850. The works and supply areas were extended various times by act of Parliament. There was tension between the private company and the Corporation who sought to buy it in 1871 (unsuccessfully) and attempted to block its expansion in Parliament in 1912.
Formed by merger of York Gas Light Company and York Union Gas Light Company in 1844. Changed name to York Gas Company in 1912.

Finance Committee
GB0192-55 · Collectivité · 1836-1960

Founded 1836, at a meeting of full council on 8th February 1836 "for managing the property and finances of the Corporation". Before this time the General Committee covered financial matters. The committee name was changed in 1960 to better reflect its wider function.
Function carried out previously within the General Committee. Changed name to Finance and General Purposes Committee in 1960

Housing Committee
GB0192-91 · Collectivité · 1920-1974

Originally formed as a special sub-committee to carry out new duties of the Health Committee under the 1919 Housing Acts. It gained wider responsibilites over the course of the twentieth century.
Originally sub-committee of Health Committee.

Town Clerk / Chief Executive
GB0192-51 · Collectivité · 1970s-present

In the late twentieth century the town clerk became known as the "Town clerk and chief executive" and then just "chief executive".
Developed from medieval office of town clerk into modern chief executive role as formal head of the hierarchical administration.

Publicity Committee
GB0192-132 · Collectivité · c.1944-c.1951

Appears to have been created for purposes of supporting tourism and publicity.
Functions transferred to or complimented by Library and Publicity Committee (1951-1962)

York Union Gas Light Company
GB0192-24 · Collectivité · 1837-1844

Formed in January 1837 to compete with the established York Gas Light Company. Its works were operational from October 1837 at Hungate, next to the Foss. The two companies were amalgamated in 1844.
Amalgamated with York Gas Light Company in 1844 to form the York United Gas Light Company.

Aldermen / The "12" (Unreformed)
GB0192-80 · Collectivité · Pre 1399-1835

The inner circle of twelve became known as aldermen by 1399. They were elected for life until the corporation was reformed in 1835..

Councillors / The "24"(Unreformed)
GB0192-82 · Collectivité · ????-1835

The councillors or "24" were drawn from the common council or "48 / 72" and had often previously served as a civic official such as sheriff. Along with the aldermen they formed the upper tier of the Corporation. They were elected geographically by wards, only freemen could vote.

Insurance Committee
GB0192-102 · Collectivité · 1911-1948?

An independent committee setup by the National Insurance Act 1911, the corporation contributed 20% of the membership.

GB0192-49 · Collectivité · 1385-20th century

First mentioned in 1385, the recorder was chief legal advisor to the Corporation and a professional lawyer. They were usually chosen by the Corporation but were occasionally royal appointees. The post acquired some of the sheriff's legal functions in 1835.
Acquired some legal functions from Sheriff in 1835.

GB0192-108 · Collectivité · 1835-present

In York an independent Commission of the Peace was setup in 1835, incorporating the Lord Mayor as chief magistrate but with an membership of Justices of the Peace otherwise distinct from the corporation.
Functions transferred from city magistracy traditionally consisting of Lord Mayor, aldermen and sheriffs. Supported by a legal professional clerk.

York Charity Trustees
GB0192-99 · Collectivité · 1837-unknown

Instituted in 1837 as independent and non-partisan charitable trustees for the city's former municipal charities including many centuries-old private bequests or "gifts". In 1898, only 5 trustees were alive and political and religious views became involved in the appointment process. The Charity Commissioners raised the number to 18 to allow a balanced membership. In 1902 this was reduced back to 13, including for the first time 5 members of the corporation.
Municipal charities transferred from Lord Mayor and Corporation in 1837.

Yorkshire Museum Committee
GB0192-144 · Collectivité · 1961-c.1970s

The council acquired the Yorkshire museum and gardens in trust from the Yorkshire Philosophical Society in 1961.
Function created when museum and gardens transferred to council by Yorkshire Philosophical Trust in 1961. Function transferred to York Museums Trust in 2002.

Common Clerk / Town Clerk
GB0192-50 · Collectivité · 1317-1970s

The first named common clerk was Nicholas Seizevaux in 1317. The name gradually changed over time to town clerk. From 1708 it appears deputies were provided, one of whom, William Giles, restored and catalogued the city archives between 1892-1909. The office became formally full-time in 1886. The name changed in the twentieth century to Chief Executive.
The term "common clerk" was replaced with "town clerk" which was eventually replaced by "chief executive" in the later twentieth century.

Inspector of Weights and Measures
GB0192-192 · Collectivité · Twentieth century

Initially a single post, this expanded to a discrete department in the mid twentieth century with a chief inspector at its head.

General Committee
GB0192-57 · Collectivité · 1805-1835

Appointed by a meeting of full council on 22nd Feb 1805. It is unclear without further research whether the gaps in the records represent lost volumes or inactivity. The Finance Commmittee established in 1836 may have been its indirect successor.
The Finance Commmittee established in 1836 may have been it's indirect successor.

Committee of Leases
GB0192-65 · Collectivité · 1704-1813

The surviving records cover the period 1704-1773 and 1779-1814 but this may not represent the full length of the committee's activity.
See also Estates Committee (1884-1974)

Electric Lighting Committee
GB0192-28 · Collectivité · 1897-1904

In 1897 the Corporation formally decided to supply the city with electricity. The Electric Lighting Committee recruited the first City Electrical Engineer in 1899 and oversaw the construction of a power station at Foss Islands which opened in 1900.
The Committee was renamed the Electricity Committee in 1904 because other uses of electricity had increased.
Instructed City Electrical Engineer.

Common Council / The "48"or "72"
GB0192-78 · Collectivité · Pre 1517-1835

The "48" were the most junior tier of representation and emerged in the 14th century from the craft gilds. A common council was instituted in 1518, made up of two members from each of thirteen crafts. This was then expanded in 1633 and switched to geographical representation, with 72 members elected from the four wards. In 1663, outside elections ceased, and vacancies were filled by nomination.
See also Aldermen / The "12" and Councillors / "The 24"

York Museums Trust
GB0192-143 · Collectivité · 2002-present

Created in 2002 as a charitable trust to run York Art Gallery, York Castle Museum, Yorkshire Museum and Gardens and York St Mary's. The buildings and collections remain the property of the council, who also provide part of the funding. Carried out various refurbishment and development work, and achieved growth in visitor numbers.
Independent to council but contractual arrangement for delivering service using council assets.

Castle Committee
GB0192-141 · Collectivité · 1934-1944

Established when the corporation bought York prison in 1934. Historically the area around the castle (Clifford's Tower) had been owned by the crown and was outside corporation jurisdiction. There were plans to convert the castle area into municipal offices, and foundations were dug but the scheme was interrupted by WWII and never carried out. The folk museum, known as the Castle Museum was opened in 1938 in the female prison and expanded into the debtor's prison in 1952.
Shared functions with the Castle Museum Committee, established 1940.

City Electrical Engineer
GB0192-27 · Collectivité · 1899-1948

The first Electrical Engineer was appointed by the Electric Lighting Committee in 1899 to oversee and manage the Corporation's electrical generating station at Foss Islands, which opened in 1900. In 1948 control passed to the North Eastern Electricity Board due to nationalisation and the Corporation ceased generating electricity.
Reported to the Electricity Committee.

Lord Mayor of York
GB0192-73 · Collectivité · 1212-present

The 1212 charter included the right to select a mayor and pay the city's fee farm directly. The Lord Mayor serves a one year term at a time, but may be Mayor more than once. The Lord Mayor was traditionally drawn from the pool of aldermen, and returned to being an aldermen afterwards. The Lord Mayor is supported by the Lady Mayoress who may be a spouse or other female relative. The first female Lord Mayor of York was Edna Crichton in 1941-1942.
See also Mayor and Commonality of the City of York. Charitable functions chiefly transferred to York Charity Trustees in 1837, though some individual cases remained.

Watch and Fire Services Committee
GB0192-112 · Collectivité · 1949-1965.

Renamed in 1949, presumably to represent the full range of duties.
See also Chief Constable and City Police. Formerly Watch Committee (1835-1949). In 1965 the committee was split into two separate committees: the Fire and Licensing Committee and the Watch Committee.

Parish Constables
GB0192-103 · Collectivité · 1285-1835

The role of parish constables developed over centuries, with royal edicts dating from 1285, and form part of the communal organisation of local affairs via the administrative unit of the parish. In York, the number of parishes led to a large number of constables, and the relationship between the corporation and these parish officials was complex. They came under the jurisdiction and direction of Justices of the Peace in the 17th century. They were replaced by a professional, corporation-run police force in 1835 in York.
Crime prevention and investigation function taken over by City of York police in 1835.

GB0192-187 · Collectivité · 1793-1853

Created by private act of Parliament in 1793, the trustees were a private body, funded by tolls on goods carried. Suffered financial and management difficulties. The corporation obtained an Act of Parliament to take over the navigation in 1853.
Function transferred to corporation in 1853.

GB0192-74 · Collectivité · 1212-present

This is the original title of the corporate body of the citizens of York, as used in charters and other legal documents.
This is the original title of the ancient corporation, which was reformed in 1835. In 1974 it became a district council within North Yorkshire County Council and then a unitary authority once more as the City of York Council in 1996.

Freemen (Unreformed)
GB0192-69 · Collectivité · pre-1155-1835

Not every resident of York was a freemen, and not all freemen were residents. Prior to 1835, the freemen formed the electorate, served as the civic administration, and returned Members of Parliament. The proportion of locally-born and incoming freeman varied over time, and did the cost and ease of access. Honorary freemen were also appointed, often royality or members of the nobility. The corporation strictly regulated the freedom, punishing unfree offenders and overseeing the guilds.

City of York Council
GB0192-85 · Collectivité · 1996-present

In 1996 York became a unitary authority once more as the City of York Council.
Previously known as "the Mayor and Commonality of the City of York", it developed into the historical Corporation (see City of York Corporation (Unreformed). The corporation was reformed in 1835, became a district council with North Yorkshire County Council in 1974 and a unitary authority once more as the City of York Council in 1996.

GB0192-107 · Collectivité · 1300s-1835

The petty sessions in York were presided over by the Lord Mayor, aldermen and sheriffs from 1392, and aldermen also made up the Justices of the Peace for the Quarter sessions. York included several liberties such as the Liberty of St Peter and Davy Hall which were outside this jurisdiction. The Municipal Corporations Act setup a new Commission of the Peace and transferred this function out of the corporation in 1835.
Function transferred to Commission of the Peace in 1835.

Fire Services and Licensing Committee
GB0192-114 · Collectivité · 1965-1974

Formed from one part of the Watch and Fire Services Committee.
See also Chief Constable and City Police. Functions transferred in 1965 from the Watch and Fire Service committee. Other functions of that committee transferred to the Watch Committee (1965-1969).

Distress Committee
GB0192-89 · Collectivité · 1905-1911

Formed to carry out the provisions of the the Unemployed Workers Act in 1905, the membership was comprised of members of the corporation and members of the Board of Guardians.

Estates Committee
GB0192-66 · Collectivité · 1884-1974

The Estates Committee was responsible for the city estate including the bar walls and corporation property (used for both public and private purposes). It also included assets such as the city plate and weaponry.
See also the Committee of Leases (1703-1813) and Housing Committee (1920-1974). Allotment functions transferred to Parks Comittee in 1913. Instructed City Surveyor.

GB0192-70 · Collectivité · 1396-present

York's bailiffs became sheriffs when the city became a county in 1396. The number was reduced to one in 1836.
Replaced bailiffs in 1396. Some legal functions transferred to Recorder in 1835.

York City Council
GB0192-84 · Collectivité · 1974-1996

In 1974 York lost its status as a county borough and became a district council within North Yorkshire County Council.
Previously known as "the Mayor and Commonality of the City of York", it deveoped into the historical Corporation (see City of York Corporation (Unreformed). The corporation was reformed in 1835, became a district council with North Yorkshire County Council in 1974 and a unitary authority once more as the City of York Council in 1996.

Parish Commissioners
GB0192-105 · Collectivité · 1763-1826

York acquired a local Act of Parliament to improve street cleaning and street lighting.. The act of 1763 required water spouts on properties, and reiterated that householders were responsibile for keeping the street clean in front of their house. Street lamps were placed at intervals and lit in the darker months. The parish commissioners were replaced by an independant body of city-wide commissioners in 1826.
Legislated for functions previously carried out informally. Replaced by City Commissioners in 1826.

Overseers of the Poor
GB0192-97 · Collectivité · 1597-1925

The basis of the "Old Poor Law" system. Each parish was required to select two Overseers of the Poor each year to collect money from parishioners and distribute locally to those in need. York had previously established its own corporate weekly poor rate in the 1570s.
In York, distribution functions transferred to Board of Guardians in 1837. Rate-collecting functions transferred to council Rating and Valuation Committee in 1925.

Urban Sanitary Committee
GB0192-121 · Collectivité · 1872-1901

The Local Board of Health was merged with the corporation in 1872 and this committee was its replacement. The boundaries between the urban and rural district became problematic as housing was extended, and in wasn't until 1884 that the city was legally expanded to take in this area. A Medical Officer of Health and Chief Sanitary Inspector were appointed in 1873. During this period a sewerage scheme was authorised and carried out.
Gained functions from Local Board of Health when it merged with the corporation in 1872. Instructed Medical Officer of Health, Chief Sanitary Inspector and Inspector of Nuisances.

Watch Committee
GB0192-110 · Collectivité · 1836-1949

Following the reform of the corporation, a police force was set up in 1835 and first chief constable apppointed.
Full responsibility for policing transferred to Corporation in 1835 (from Magistrates, Parish Constables and City Commissioners). See also Chief Constable and City Police. Responsibility for prisons transferred to Home Secretary in 1877. Renamed Watch and Fire Services Committee in 1949. Gained fire brigade responsibilites from Yorkshire Insurance Company in 1875.

Stores Committee
GB0192-58 · Collectivité · 1921-1952

Prior to the formation of this committee, each committee organised its own procurement. The Salaries Commitee suggested that a Stores Sub-committee should be setup to co-ordinate this purchasing. It first met on 24th Janurary 1921.
Name changed from Stores Committee to Stores and Purchasing Committee c. 1952.

Mental Deficiency Committee
GB0192-123 · Collectivité · 1914-1948

The Mental Deficient Act 1913 made provision for the separation of people deemed to have "mental deficiencies" out from the Poor Law system and into a separate institutional care system. Made up of the corporation Mental Health Committee plus other co-opted members.
Membership included the Mental Health Committee plus others.

Castle Area Campaign Group
GB0192-523 · Collectivité · c.1998-2006

The Castle Area Campaign Group was founded in around 2001, as a protest group against City of York Council's proposed Coppergate II development. Had the development gone ahead, it would have been the biggest single development ever undertaken in York, with a footprint 1½ times that of York Minster. The proposal was to convert the car park area close to Clifford's Tower, and a large part of Piccadilly, into residential housing and shop units.

In around 2006 the plans were shelved by City of York Council.

Library and Publicity Committee
GB0192-131 · Collectivité · 1951-1962

Possibly renamed due to involvement in 1951 Festival of Britain activities in York including production and promotion of guidebook, setting up an information bureau and arranging guided tours of the city. Tang Hall branch library established in this period.
Replaced Public Library Committee in 1951. Instructed City Librarian. Functions gained from or complementary to Publicity Committee (1944-1949). Replaced by Library and Friendly Relations Committee in 1962.

GB0192-198 · Collectivité · 1891-20th century

Founded as the Mechanics Institute in 1827. Following the Technical Instruction Act 1899 which permitted the corporation to fund technical instruction, the corporation bought the assets of the Institute and ran it directly. The library stock formed the first free library in York which the corporation opened in 1891.
See also Art Master. Managed by Technical Instruction Committee (in various incarnations).

Local Board of Health Committee
GB0192-118 · Collectivité · 1850-1872

The corporation petitioned for the 1848 Public Health Act to be applied to York, and took over public health responsibilites from the city commissioners in 1850. The Board was not part of the corporation, but its members were appointed by and often members of, the corporation.
Gained functions from city commissioners in 1850. Merged with the corporation and functions transferred to Urban Sanitary Committee when the council became the urban sanitary authority in 1872.

Mental Hospital Committee
GB0192-126 · Collectivité · 1926-1948

Continuation of Lunatic Asylum Visiting Committee. Functions widened to include out-patient clinics as an alternative to institutions or as aftercare.
Reported to by Medical Superintendent. Previously the Lunatic Asylum Visiting Committee.

Lunatic Asylum Visiting Committee
GB0192-124 · Collectivité · 1899-1926

Mental health provision in York was originally established privately, with the York Lunatic Asylum opened by public subscription in 1772 and run by a board of governors. In 1796, the Retreat was opened by the Society of Friends. Public provision of asylums was permissive from 1808 and obligatory from 1845. Dissatisfaction with the asylum led to the purchase of land for a new corporation-run institution, and in 1906 the City Mental Hospital was opened at Naburn. The City funded the buildings, and the Guardians (originally) funded the patients.
Instructed the Medical Superintendent. Renamed Mental Hospital Committee in 1926.

Library and Friendly Relations Committee
GB0192-133 · Collectivité · 1962-c.1972

Gained responsibility for friendly relations with foreign towns in 1962.
Replaced Library and Publicity Committee in 1962. Gained friendly relation function from Friendly Alliance with Foreign Towns Committee (1958-1961) in 1961. Instructed City Librarian.

Councillors (Reformed)
GB0192-83 · Collectivité · 1835-present

Created in 1835 as fixed-term elected representatives, they formed the core of the reformed Corporation. They are elected based on geographical wards. In 1925 the number of wards increased from 6 to 12.

Surbey; Thomas (?-1703)
GB0192-541 · Personne · ?-1703

Thomas Surbey was a London-based engineer chosen in 1699 by two MPs of the City of York to survey the River Ouse. The purpose of this survey was so that the river could be made more navigable by ships. Surbey began his work on 5 May 1699, accompanied by two gentlemen, John Atty and Benedict Horsley, as well as two watermen, the captain and a boy. Together they made soundings and other observations along the river from York to the Humber and Hull. They returned to York on the 13 May.

Surbey returned to York with a series of recommendations, and began work on drawings plans and sections of the lock and weir, as well as preparing detailed specifications, estimates and a written report. He then presented the report to the City of York Corporation on 23 May 1699. His resulting report, covering 19 folio pages as well as a map or chart of the river, is believed to be one of the earliest practical civil engineering reports in England.
See Also - Allen; Oswald (1767-?)

York Hospitals Joint Advisory Committee
GB0192-128 · Collectivité · 1940-1948

Instituted in March 1940 by City of York Council and York County Hospital Committee.
Functions transferred to York 'A' and Tadcaster Hospital Management Committee in 1948 upon the instiution of the NHS.

Health Committee
Collectivité · 1900-1974

Responsibility for health issues such as sanitary notices, inspection of food, slum clearances, health instiutions, public baths, air pollution. Acted through an increasingly large number of sub-committees such as environmental health, mental health, ambulance service, maternity etc. Business transacted relates to policy, management and named individuals.
Previously the Urban Sanitary District Committee (1872-1901). Instructed the Medical Officer of Health and the Chief Sanitary Inspector.

City Librarian
GB0192-134 · Collectivité · 1891-present

Appointed in 1891 to manage first free public lending and reference library based in Clifford Street in the former Mechanics Institute. Purpose built central library built in 1920s supported by Carnegie fund. Branch libraries opened throughout twentieth century. For details see Technical Institution and Library Management Committee and successors.
Reported to various incarnations of Public Library Committee.

Aldermen / The "12" (Reformed)
GB0192-81 · Collectivité · 1835-1974

Following the Municipal Reform Act, aldermen continued to be at the heart of local government in York, but their status was changed. The number remained the same at twelve, one third of the total body of councillors, but appointments were for 6 years only, rather than life. They were selected by the council, not the electorate (including the outgoing aldermen, until this was ended by national legislation in 1910).

Public Library Committee
GB0192-130 · Collectivité · 1904-1951

During this period funds were obtained from the Carnegie trustees for a new public library building in the current location. Funds were granted in 1916 but due to the war, work began in 1925. The new central library was opened in 1927, and had open access shelves. Newspapers, reference stock and lending stock were provided. Branch libraries were later opened including Acomb and Dringhouses.
Library management functions transferred from Technical Education and Library Management Commitee in January 1904. Instructed City Librarian. Replaced by Library and Publicity Committee in 1951.

Castle Museum and Art Gallery Committee
GB0192-139 · Collectivité · c.1973-1980s

Management of the Art Gallery and Castle Museum were traditionally by separate committees. These were merged around 1973.
Previously named Museum and Art Gallery Committee (1912-1932) and Art Gallery Committee (1932-c.1973). Instructed Curator of Art Gallery and Curator of Castle Museum. Gained responsibility from Castle Museum Committee c. 1973.

Art Gallery Committee
GB0192-138 · Collectivité · 1932-c.1974

The art gallery buildings were used and altered by the military authorities during WWII. The building was improved and redeveloped between 1948-1951. First professional curator appointed in 1947. Opened a folk museum in the female prison within York castle in 1938. The debtors's prison extension was opened in 1952.
Previously named Museum and Art Gallery Committee (1912-1932). Instructed Curator.

Museums and Art Gallery Committee
GB0192-136 · Collectivité · 1912-1932

The Exhibition Buildings and its art collection were transferred to the council from its trustees in 1893. In 1912 this committee was set up to manage the art gallery. There was no museum until the Castle Museum was opened in 1938, but the committee used enabling legislation aimed at museums in order to raise funds from the rates, hence its name.
Gained responsiblility for Art Gallery from Technical Instruction and Higher Education Committees in 1912. Instructed Curator.

Freemen (Reformed)
GB0192-71 · Collectivité · 1835-present

In 1835 the status of freemen in York as the sole electorate, master craftsmen, traders and officials was ended as part of municipal reform. In 1953 a Gild of freemen was setup to "enhance the good reputation of the City of York" and "maintain and develop the rights and privileges of the Admitted Citizens and Freemen of York".
See also Strays Committee.

Chief Education Officer
GB0192-209 · Collectivité · Twentieth century

Managed Education Department. In the mid twentieth century the department was responsible for secondary and primary education places, York Technical College, school meals, staffing, purchasing, school health service, caretaking and cleaning, monitored attendence, youth employment service and child guidance clinic. Supported by a deputy and large staf.

Tramways Committee
Collectivité · 1906-1911

Oversaw city tram service, which it took ownership of in 1909.
Gained function from City of York Tramways Company in 1909. Merged with Electrity Committee in 1911 to form Electricity and Tramways Committee.

Transport Committee
GB0192-171 · Collectivité · 1923-1972

Function gained from Electricity and Tramways Committee in 1923. Shared provision of bus services with West Yorkshire Motor Car Company from 1934.

Sewerage Committee
GB0192-178 · Collectivité · 1888-1914

Contracts for the sewerage work were finalised in 1891, and a new engineer, inspector of works and inspector of construction of machinery were appointed. The work was split into multiple contracts, No.1 Pumping Station and Engines, No. 2 City Sewers, No.3 Pumping Station buildings, No. 4 Rising Main and Outfall Works at Naburn and No. 5 Sludge Pressing plant.. The work cost more than expected and application was made to the Local Government Board in 1895 for a extension of the capital expediture loan repayment period.
See also Drainage and Sanitary Improvement Act Committee (1852-1888)

Parks and Allotments Committee
GB0192-149 · Collectivité · 1961-1973

Formed from merger of Parks Committee and Allotment Commitee in 1961.
Formed from merger of Parks Committee (1913-1961) and Allotments Committee (c.1924-1961).

West Yorkshire Road Car Company
GB0192-180 · Collectivité · Twentieth century

Joined with corporation in 1934 to form a joint committee to run bus services in and around York.

GB0192-129 · Collectivité · 1890-1904

The committee initially recommended that £600 be distributed to existing providers such as the York Institute of Science (Mechanic Institute), the York Art School and the Railway Institute. However, the corporation bought the York Institute in 1891 and ran its own City of York School of Science and Art to continue and expand technical education provision. It also opened the first free library in 1891 in Clifford Street, based on the Institute's inherited bookstock plus solicited public donations.
Library management functions transferred to Library Committee in January 1904. Art Gallery management functions transferred to Museum and Art Gallery Committee in 1912. Instructed City Librarian. Instructed Art Master.

Secretary for Education
GB0192-157 · Collectivité · 1903-20th century

The York Education Committee was founded in 1903 and comprised of a mixture of council and co-opted members. It was a busy committee that operated through a number of long-lasting sub-committees. This official was created to support the committee.
Reported to York Education Committee (1903-1970s).

Skeldergate Bridge Committee
GB0192-174 · Collectivité · 1875-1914

Responsible for the erection of a new toll bridge south of Clifford's tower, known as Skeldergate bridge.

Parks Committee
GB0192-147 · Collectivité · 1913-1961

The corporation took over ownership and management of common lands in the twenteith century and developed them for the use of residents. Recreation facilities and allotments were provided, and use of land leased for short or longer terms to York commercial and amatuer groups, events, clubs and societies. In 1921 the corporation accepted the donation of Rowntree Park from Joseph Rowntree, and it became York's first municipal park.
Replaced the Strays Committee (1907-1913) in 1913 and took over allotment functions from the Estates Committee. Instructed Head Gardener and Parks Superintendant. Allotment functions transferred to Allotments Committee c.1924. Merged with Alloments committee in 1961.

Electricity and Tramways Committee
GB0192-36 · Collectivité · 1911-1923

Formed from a merger of the Electricity and the Tramways committees following the electrification of the previously horse-drawn tram service in 1910. Trialled a hydroelectric generating station at Linton Lock in 1923. Introduced buses in 1915 and built a bus depot in 1921 at Fulford.
Formed from a merger of the Electricity and the Tramways committees in 1911. Functions separated again in 1923 into the Electricity Committee (1923-1948) and Transport Committee (1923-1973). Instructed Tramways and Motor Manager.

Foss Navigation Committee
GB0192-205 · Collectivité · 1853-c.1948

The corporation took over the navigation from its private trustees in 1853. It repaired and improved the navigation.
Function transferred from Trustees of the Foss navigation (Original) in 1853

GB0192-161 · Collectivité · Fifteenth century-nineteenth century

Originally responsible for practical upkeep of the city walls, the post became defunct but continued in name. As late as the eighteenth century, chamberlain's had to pay a fine for exoneration from the office.
See also Bridgemasters and Chameberlains.

Parks Superintendent
GB0192-210 · Collectivité · Nineteenth century-Twentieth century

Reported to Parks Committee (in various incarnations). Delegated functions received from Education, Highways and Housing Departments.

Inspector of Nuisances
GB0192-193 · Collectivité · Nineteenth-twentieth century

Instructed by Medical Officer of Health, Local Board of Health and Chief Sanitary Inspector. Supported by Assistant Inspectors of Nuisances.

City Accountant
GB0192-46 · Collectivité · 1884-twentieth century

In the 1880s the corporation's entire financial system was audited by a Bradford accountancy firm, Colefax and Hamer, who produced a confidential report for the Audit and Investigation Committee. They found severe deficiencies in almost all areas of book keeping and one of many recommendations was the appointment of a professional city accountant. This post was created in 1884 and lasted until 1905 after which the duties went back to the City Treasurer. By 1958 (at the latest) there was once more a separate post, Chief Accountant, who worked under the City Treasurer.
Functions gained from City Treasurer in 1884. Functions transferred to City Treasurer in 1905. Functions delegated by City Treasurer (mid twentieth century)

City of York Council. Cabinet
Collectivité · May 2011-present

Formerly known as the Executive. Comprised of Cabinet Members, each with their own porfolio area, from the largest political group. Chaired by the Leader of the Council.
Between 2011-2013 the Cabinet Member portfolios were as follows:
Leader; City Strategy; Corporate Services; Health, Housing and Adult Social Services; Leisure, Culture and Social Inclusion; Communities and Neighbourhood Services; Education, Children and Young People's Services; Crime and Community Safety.

In August 2013 Communities and Neighbourhoods Services was replaced by Environmental Services; Corporate Services became Finance, Performance and Customer Service; City Strategy became Transport, Planning and Sustainability. Crime and Community Safety was renamed Crime and Stronger Communities; Leisure, Culture and Social Inclusion was renamed Leisure, Culture and Tourism. The other portfolios remained unchanged.
Formerly known as the Executive. Reported into Full Council. Each Cabinet Member has a duty to advise on their own portfolio area.

Markets Committee
GB0192-195 · Collectivité · 1827-1974

The historic rights of the corporation to manage trade (including markets) in the city developed over the centuries as evidenced by various royal charters. This committee was created in 1827 in order to address the inadaquate provision and management of market space, and obtained an Act in 1833 for improving markets in the city. The area between Pavement and St Sampsons square was cleared for the new Parliament Street market which opened in 1836. The Act was superceded by the York Extension and Improvement Act 1884.
Instructed Inspector of Markets and Markets Superintendent.

Mechanics Institute / Technical College
GB0192-181 · Collectivité · 1827-1891

Founded as the Mechanics Institute in 1827. In 1838 its name was changed to The Institute of Popular Science and Literature. A purpose built hall was opened in 1846. In 1885 a new building at Clifford Street was opened which incorporated the library and art school. In 1891 the corporation bought the Institute to be used as a technical school. The library stock formed the first free library in York which the corporation opened in 1891.
Became City of York Institute of Science and Art in 1891.
See Also - York Mechanics' Friendly Society
See Also - York Mechanics' Friendly Society